Levinson, David

Encyclopedia of world cultures - Boston G.K. Hall & Co. 1996 - 10 V.

Contents: V1.North America, ed by Timothy J. O'Leary and David Levinson.425p. V2. Oceania, ed by Terence E. Hays.409p. V3. South Asia, ed by Paul Hockings.379p. V4. Europe(Central, Western, and Southeastern Europe), ed by Linda A. Bennett.299p. V5. East and Southeast Asia, ed by Paul Hockings.313p. V6. Russia and Eurasia/China, ed by Paul Friedrich and Norma Diamond.527p. V7. South America, ed by Johannes Wilbert.426p. V8. Middle America and the Caribbean, ed by James W. Dow.329p. V9.Africa and the Middle East, ed by John Middleton and Amal Rassam.447p.V10. Indexes, ed by David Levinson.322p. Glossary, Filmography and references at the end of each volume.

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