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Mapping of the archives in India / Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh C. Gaur, Mr. Vismay Basu.

By: Gaur, Ramesh C [author.].
Contributor(s): Basu, Vismay [author.] | Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts | UNESCO New Delhi.
Publisher: New Delhi: Fortune Print Services, 2023Description: xi, 248 p. color illustrations.ISBN: 978-93-91045-79-1.Subject(s): Archives -- India | Archives -- Information resources | Special collections -- Preservation of materialsDDC classification: 025.1710954 Summary: The study of Mapping of the Archives in India was jointly conducted by UNESCO and IGNCA. Its mandate was to create a Directory of Archives in India that can offer researchers and academics across the board a near encyclopedic picture of active archives and their collections. In keeping with this objective, the two organizations initiated the primary liaison with each other. Various rounds of discussions led to a joint work contract to meet this need. The formal contract was signed in March 2018 and, the work started immediately after that. IGNCA started mobilizing resources to effectuate a punctual, systematic, and conscientious accomplishment of the assignment. IGNCA's research team identified three major thrust areas of the study: creating a state-wise directory of the archives, a brief sketch of the major active archives, and most importantly, collecting primary data on the archives and analyzing it to build an overview of the situation of the archives in India. Finally, it deliberated on possible prescriptions for improving the existing situation.
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Books Books NASSDOC Library
025.1710954 GAU-M (Browse shelf) Available 54712

Includes bibliographical references (pages 223-224) and appendix.

The study of Mapping of the Archives in India was jointly conducted by UNESCO and IGNCA. Its mandate was to create a Directory of Archives in India that can offer researchers and academics across the board a near encyclopedic picture of active archives and their collections. In keeping with this objective, the two organizations initiated the primary liaison with each other. Various rounds of discussions led to a joint work contract to meet this need. The formal contract was signed in March 2018 and, the work started immediately after that. IGNCA started mobilizing resources to effectuate a punctual, systematic, and conscientious accomplishment of the assignment. IGNCA's research team identified three major thrust areas of the study: creating a state-wise directory of the archives, a brief sketch of the major active archives, and most importantly, collecting primary data on the archives and analyzing it to build an overview of the situation of the archives in India. Finally, it deliberated on possible prescriptions for improving the existing situation.

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