Sociology in a changing world
- New Delhi Book Shores 2018
- vii, 272p.
Include Bibliography and Index
Sociology is a fundamental social science discipline that studies social structures and their changes as well as their social activities, value and attitudes. In today’s world, both cultures and society are changing more quickly than ever before. Change is an ever-present phenomenon. It is the law of nature. Society is not at all a static phenomenon, but it is a dynamic entity. It is an ongoing process. The social structure is subject to incessant changes. Individuals may strive for stability, yet the fact remains that the society is an ever-changing phenomenon; growing, decaying renewing and accommodating itself to changing conditions. The Human composition of society’s changes over time, technologies expand, ideologies and value take on new components institutional functions and structures undergo reshaping. Hence no society remains completely static. Incessant changeability is very inherent nature of human society. With the current rate of population increase, it is expected that the total requirement of future health, education housing and many other welfare needs are bound to increase. This will certainly bring the drastic change not only in the microstructure but also in macrostructures of Indian Society. This well written and clearly organised book will be useful for students, policymakers, researchers, and social workers.