गाँधी और अली बंधु: एक मित्रता की जीवनी
Gandhi aur Ali Bandhu: Ek Mitrta ki Jeevni
- New Delhi Sage bhasha 2019
- x, 188p.
akhahari Chatterji (Ph. D., Chicago) was a Professor in Political Science and Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Calcutta. He was a Fulbright Scholar (1970-71), Social Science Research Council Fellow (1973-75) and a Fulbright Post-doctoral Visiting Fellow (1986-87) at the University of Chicago; a Ford Foundation Visiting Fellow (1988-89) at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor; a Fulbright American Research Fellow (1996-97) at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville; and the UGC Emeritus Fellow (2009-11). Books written by him include Methods of Political Inquiry, Working Class and the Nationalist Movement in India, Introduction to Comparative Political Analysis. Apart from editing a number of volumes he has contributed over ninety papers to academic journals and newspapers. His academic visits include Heidelberg University, China Institute of International Studies, Peking University, Fudan University and Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences. Currently, he is Advisor, Observer Research Foundation, Kolkata.