Caste Discrimination
edited by:Karade, Jagan
- New Delhi Rawat Publications 2015
- 248p
Include Index
Caste is a cultural category that has crippled the Indian society for centuries. Caste discrimination is deeply rooted in Indian social life. The Constitution of India provides protection to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes against caste discrimination. Scores of laws and rules have been formulated for preventive action and their protection but they all seem to be inadequate. Even after sixty-six years of Independence, caste discrimination still continues in its various forms. Backward caste people are victims of caste discrimination in social, economic, educational, legal and cultural fields. The social institutions have been changing in India, but the caste system has not changed yet in modern India because of the mindset of the majority of Indians. This book will be helpful to understand the facts and different forms of caste discrimination prevailing in India today. As a matter of fact, caste discrimination is not only found in the Hindu religion but in Islam and Christianity too. In the present volume, there are twelve research articles contributed by eminent academicians, experts and researchers who are representative of the states of Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka and Maharashtra. These articles focus on myriad issues related to caste-based discrimination that is deeply institutionalized in India.
Social Group--India--Dalits--Social conditions--Caste-based discrimination--Marginality, Social