Chaudhuri, Sabuj Kumar

An introduction to fair use and copyright management of universities in India / Sabuj Kumar Chaudhuri, University of Calcutta, India. - New Delhi,India : Ess Ess Publication , 2017 - xxii, 163 pages

Includes bibliographical references (pages 157-161) and index.

This book identified the genesis and provisions of fair use in the Indian Copyright Act, 1957 with an international flavour. Fair use has always been considered as a grey area by legal pundits but this title has demonstrated that it can alsoact as an opportunity administering a safety valve to bring balance in the quest of interpretive certainty needed for the society for further advancement of knowledge over the existing ones. It goes on to deeper understanding of fair use with a How-To-Determine format to keep one in the right side of the law and analyse a plethora of national and international case studies. Academic community in a number of universities has been studied investigating their awareness regarding fair use of copyrighted resources and discovered a disturbing trend. This study calls for a balanced and well-knit copyright management policy. This volume scripted a copyright management policy for universities which is at present completely missing in India. This policy template can be of immense help in formulating such policy in neighbouring countries and other developing countriesas well. Keeping in view of that, this book also examined fair use provisions in the related acts in SAARC countries.

9788193359747 8193359747

Fair use (Copyright)--India.
Universities and colleges--India.

346.540482 / CHA-I