Gender and politics : perception and participation role of women in Punjab politics /
Ajaypal Kaur
- New Delhi : ICSSR, 2016
- 155p. ;
Include bibliographical references.
This is the first of its own kind of study, which will try to explore hitherto totally ignored area of women participation in Punjab politics from the perspective of performance appraisal of women legislatures and the perspective of experience of contemporary leading women leaders of Punjab. Women legislators in Punjab legislative assembly both quantitatively and qualitatively as representatives of the people have been focused. The social and political environment of Punjab gives adequate opportunities to women to live their life fully well is an illusion or a myth or a reality in context of women participation in politics will be underlying theme of the study. The main objectives of the study are how literature on feminism elaborates upon complex web of marriage,morality and state? What is possibility of post gendered society given the rise of biological technology? What kind of political socialization goes into the conditioning of mind of Punjabi women with special focus on gendering through literature and folklore? What is the nature of women participation in the politics of Punjab quantitatively and qualitatively? How have women legislatures performed in Punjab legislative assembly since independence in terms of being leaders inside the house?