Evolution of capacity building through implementation of right to information act, 2005. (Study of two districts - Jaipur and Rajsamand in Rajasthan) /
Roopa Manglani
- New Delhi : ICSSR, 2003
- 279p. ;
Include bibliographical references.
The scope of Political Science is widening day by day. Study of Political Science is not limited up to political concepts; this discipline has now come to the formation of public policies and the different aspects of the study of their execution and the inter-disciplinary views and also to the studies that are practical and in the interest of common public. The fact has now been acknowledged that researches that are done should be related to important problems and the researchers should contribute to provide suggestions and solutions of political, administrative and social issues. They should also try to bring about reforms in the structures of public policies along with the study of theoretical notions. The research study at hand 'Evaluation of Capacity Building through Implementation of Right to Information Act, 2005,' (study of two districts-Jaipur and Rajasthan in Rajasthan) is a humble attempt in this direction. Right to Information, at the level of theoretical notions, has been given the status of fundamental human rights in the various systems of the world. This right is known for its relevance to the need of transparency and for the efficient and smooth conduction of governments. It is also known as an important and indispensable means of bringing about good governance, the crying need of time Right to Information is absolutely necessary to achieve the target of public administration and the scheduled work culture. It is also needed to render good governance not only appropriate but also successful. Right to Information and the Act related to it are contemporary issues and there had been a lack of comprehensive research on them. Only attaining this right is not sufficient. Understanding its various aspects and the challenges before it in the initial years of the passing of Right to Information Act is extremely important. From the experiences gathered during the study of this subject, it came to be known that the initial background of this issue will determine its future form. The present research study is an endeavor in this direction. On tracing the history of Right to Information Act, we come to know that the demand of this right was raised in the nineties. Demand for right to information in India is a novel one and it is a reformatory demand. The position of Rajasthan amidst the various states of the country in the perspective of the struggle for information is unique. This makes it necessary to analyse the legal status and position of right to information in the country and in the world taking into consideration its conceptual aspects and theoretical dimensions. It goes to the credit of Rajasthan that it has been a pioneer in the struggle for right to information. It can be said to be the founder of this right in the country. The journey right from the demand of right to information to the formation of the Act has been hazardous, thrilling and also interesting. It is very necessary to study the governmental decisions taken for the implementation and execution and the practical status of this Act and the hopes, and expectations from it and the different opinions of people expressed in the numerous campaigns made to attain this very important right that brings to light all the facts that public justifiably wants to know. The study of the obstacles and challenges in the way of the successful and effective execution and to find out the possible solutions of the problems is the main aim of this research study. The research does not aim only at the study of the legal aspect and theoretical form and the practicality of right to information; it also aims at the estimation of the factors behind its demand and the effect of the strong movement and struggle of the public to get the bill of right to information enacted. The issues of the propriety, justifiability and relevance of right to information have been raised in this research study. At the same time, this research throws light on the demand of such a right not only in India but also in the world, its legal aspects and dimensions, movements and struggles in Rajasthan to attain this right, the strategies adopted to achieve this goal, the government decisions related to this Act taken and the different aspects of the implementation and execution of this right. This research study also throws light on the position of the use of right to information in the rural and urban areas of Rajasthan, the results obtained from its execution and the reactions thereof and what the results of its success can be. Carrying the readers on the journey of change from the period of secrecy to that of transparency is the most important aspect of this research study. As a matter of fact, right to information is not a mere slogan, hypocrisy or administrative reform', it is an issue closely related to our democratic values qualitative reforms in administration and the fundamental human rights. All over the world, this right is closely related to policy makers, administrators, and researchers and pertains to motivate institutions and systems. Right to information is connected with the public rights organizations endeavoring to bring about efficiency in all the classes of society- social, administrative and political — and the process of development. Above all, this right is meant to enable man to live life with dignity.
Right to Information Act ,2005--Political Science--Jaipur,Rajasthan--Rajsamand,Jaipur--Governance