Innovative Departures : Anthropology and the Indian Diaspora /
Ravindra K. Jain
- First South Asia edition
- New York : Routledge, 2018
- x, 169 p.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 147-164) and index.
This volume brings together analytical insights from modern social and cultural anthropology to unravel processes of globalization in the 21st century through diasporic migrations. Developments in anthropological theory and method are traced from the heritage of Enlightenment to the present times, with special reference to India. While firmly anchored in the local experience, the narrative of diasporic migrations presented in this book ranges widely to cover comparisons across the world and is informed by an interdisciplinary focus. The author deals with the issues of ethnicity, identity and modernity in a transnational and geopolitical context. The innovative and multi-dimensional thrust encompasses major themes and research methodology. The work includes important case studies and a detailed empirical exploration of the multicultural societies of Malaysia and South Africa. Authoritative and accessible, this book will be essential reading in contemporary anthropology, especially for scholars and researchers of sociology, social and cultural anthropology, diaspora and migration studies, ethnic studies and cultural studies as also international relations, foreign affairs, public policy, think-tanks and government bodies.
Indian diaspora.--Human Geography. Anthropology.--India.--Human Ecology.