India's trade policy and the export performance of industry
by Dijck, Pitou van | Rao, K.S. Chalapati. Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 1994Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.60954 DIJ-I]
Export-led versus balanced growth in the 1990s
by Singer, Sir Hans | Hatti, Neelamber | Tandon, Rameshwar. Publisher: Delhi B.R. Publishing 1998Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.954 EXP-]
NAFTA, WTO and global busieness strategy : how AIDS, trade and terrorism affect our economic future
by Condon, Bradly J. Publisher: Westport Quorum Books 2002Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.71 CON-;]
Domestic regulation and service trade liberalization
by Mattoo, Aaditya | Sauve, Pierre. Publisher: Washington, D.C. World Bank 2003Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.9 DOM-]
Intellectual property rights and global capitalism: the political economy of the trips agreement
by Richards, Donald G. Publisher: New York M.E. Sharpe 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 346.048 RIC-;]
India: foreign trade policy and WTO 1991-2003
by Mathur, Vibha. Publisher: Delhi New Century Publications 2003Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.30954 MAI-;]
World trade report 2004: exploring the linkage between the domestic policy environment and international trade
by World Trade Organization; International tradepolicy. Publisher: Geneva World Trade Organization 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.3 WOR-]
Global tensions: challenges and opportunities in the world economy
by Bisnath, Savitri | Beneria, Lourdes. Publisher: New York Routledge 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 337 GLO-]
Constitutionalization of the World Trade Organization:legitimacy, democracy and community in the international trading system
by Cass, Deborah Z | Jackson, John H. Publisher: New York Oxford University Press 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.92 CAS-C]
Towards an employment-oriented export strategy: some explorations
by Nagesh Kumar... [et.al.] | Research and Information System for Developing Countries, New Delhi. Publisher: New Delhi Research and Information System for Deve 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.125 TOW-]
Globalization, governmentality and global politics: regulation for the rest of u
by Lipschutz, Ronnie D | Amoore, Louise | Rowe, James K. Publisher: London Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 330 LIP-G]
Intellectual property, growth and trade
by Maskus, Keith E | Choi, E.Kwan | Beladi, Hamid. Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier 2008Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 346.048 INT-]
Globalization's limits: conflicting national interests in trade and finance
by Chorafas, Dimitris N. Publisher: Surrey Grower Publishing 2009Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 332.042 CHO-G]
Prebisch-singer hypothesis and terms of trade in new century
by Tandon, Rameshwar | Ziesemer, Thomas. Publisher: Delhi B.R.Publishing Corporation 2012Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382 TAN-P]
Patent and trade disparities in developing countries
by Ragavan, Srividhya. Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2012Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 346.0486091724 RAG-P]
Regional and multilateral trade in developing countries
by Ashraf, Shahid | Ahmed, Shahid. Publisher: New Delhi Routledge 2011Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.92 REG-]
Handbook of the international political economy of trade
by Deese, David A. Publisher: Cheltenham Edward Elgar 2014Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 382 HAN;]
Impact of international environmental regulations on global trade
by Attri, V.N | Sidhanshu. Publisher: New Delhi Synergy Books India 2015Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 344.046 att-;]
Transitions and interdependence: India and its neighbours
by Tiwari, Smita | Jha, Pankaj | Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi. Publisher: New Delhi KW Publishers 2015Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.954 TRA;]
Managing capital flows in East Asia Publisher: Washington World Bank 1996Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 332.042095 MAN-]
Economics of the world trading system
by Bagwell, Kyle | Staiger, Robert W. Publisher: England MIT Press 2003Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.9 BAG-E]
WTO, intellectual property rights and the knowledge economy
by Maskus, Keith E. Publisher: Cheltenham Elgar Reference Collection 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 346.04 WTO-]
Analytical study of the working of M.P. Export Corporation Ltd
by Jain, N.C | Chaturvedi, S.N. Publisher: Jiwaji University 1988Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TJ.0019]
Economics of the shipping industry in India
by Sahai, Inder Mohan | Kapoor, M.C. Publisher: Agra University 1971Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS.0601]
EC's single market without non-tariff barriers (NTBs) : Opportunities and challenges for Indian exports
by Bhattacharya, Swapan K | Chopra, H.S. Publisher: Jawaharlal Nehru University 1996Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TB.0327]
Emerging regionalism in trade and its impact 1n India
by Bansal, S.N | Singh, R.R. Publisher: Agra University 1972Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TB.0236]
Export incentives in India
by Tuli, Neeta | Jha, Bishwambhar. Publisher: Banaras Hindu University 1992Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TT.0148]
Export potentiality of leather industry in India
by Bansude, Vasant G | Shiware, T.A. Publisher: Shivaji University 1992Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TB.0255]
Export promotion as a development strategy for Brazil : A case study in the export policy of Brazil during 1964-74
by Chawla, R.L | Narayanan, R. Publisher: Jawaharlal Nehru University 1977Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TC.0110]
Export promotion schemes in India during the plan period
by Bhandari, B.S | Sharma, A.G. Publisher: University of Indore 1977Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TB.0237]
Foreign trade and economic development of India
by Sainy, H.C | Roy, H.c. Publisher: University of Saugar 1972Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS.0583]
Foreign trade policy in India since the plan period (1951-1985)
by Basu, Pankaj Kumar | Ghosh, Biswanath. Publisher: University of Burdwan 1995Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TB.0328]
Import substitution and export promotion: case of Indian engineering industry 1970-87
by Abdul Kareem, P | Tandon, Rameshwar. Publisher: Bangalore University, Bangalore 1996Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TA.0272]
India: Meeting the challenges of the European Union : a study of constraints and prospects of Indian exports
by Sarma, Atul | Faber, Gerrit | Metha, Pradeep Kumar | Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi and Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi and Institute for Social Science Research in Developing Countries, the Hague 1995Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RS.0517-1]
India's export problems and her export efforts during the plan period
by Agrawal, Gopal Das | Hajela, G.L. Publisher: University of Lucknow 1971Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TA.0163]
India's foreign trade in fish and fish products: performance and problems
by Subba Rao, N. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RS.0593]
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India's trade policy since Independence
by Sondhi, Vijay Nath | Nigam, B.K. Publisher: University of Lucknow 1984Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS.0581]
Leather industry of Tamil Nadu : Study of structural change during 1960-1980 with special reference to the 1973 export trade control policy
by Usha, P | Kurien, C.T. Publisher: University of Madras 1984Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TU.0016]
Management of export marketing of engineering products : A study of manufacturer exporters of consumer durables
by Lodha, Shyam Sunder | Elhance, D.N. Publisher: University of Jodhpur 1982Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TL.0040]
Meeting the challenges of the European Union : A study of constraints and prospects of Indian exports
by Sarma, Atul | Faber, Gerrit | Mehta, Pradeep Kumar | Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi and Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi and Institute for Social Science Research in Developing Countries, the Hague 1995Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RS.0517]
Outstanding issues in international economic law
by Mukherjee, Sakt. Publisher: Calcutta World Press 1985Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 341.75 MUK-O]
Performance evaluation of Export-Processing Zones in India : A case study of NEPZ and FEPZ
by Sharan, Vyuptakesh | JNU, School of Intl Studies, Centre for South Asian Studies. Publisher: New Delhi Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 0Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RS.0576]
Project exports of India : Problems and prospects
by Inamdar, Vikas H | Kopardekar, S.D. Publisher: University of Poona 1982Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TI.0017]
Resource structure of India's foreign trade
by Nambiar, R.G | Kothari, V.N. Publisher: M.S. University of Baroda 1971Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TN.0103]
Role of foreign trade marks in India
by Sindhwani, Subhanjali | Khan, Mohd. Altaf. Edition: Jamia Millia IslamiaPublisher: New Delhi Jamia Millia Islamia 2002Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS.0975]
South Africa's Africa policy : post - apartheid period
by Paratihari, Bijay Ketan. Publisher: Indian Council of Sociol Science Research, ICSSR 2003Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RP.0258]
Study of India's export processing zones and export oriented units : Relevance of Chinese strategy
by Kundra, Ashok Kumar | Mukherji, Indra Nath. Publisher: Jawaharlal Nehru University 1997Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TK.0330]
Trends in foreign trade and possibilities of export promotion in the structural basis of planned economy in India
by Gupta, B.R.S | Widhani, K.L. Publisher: Agra University 1968Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TG.0231]
World rice market- prospects of India's rice exports
by Kanaka Durga, P | Krishnaji, N. Publisher: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad 1997Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TK.0357]
Rules without rights: land, labour and private authority in the global economy
by Bartley,Tim. Publisher: Oxford University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.12 BAR-R]
Running with the dragon : how India should do business with China
by Dasgupta, Saibal. Publisher: Haryana Portfolio (Penguin Random House) 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 380.10951 DAS-R]
Essentials of WTO Law
by Bossche ,Peter Van Den | Prévost, Denise. Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 343.0870261 BOS-E]
Global Justice and International Economic Law
by Garcia, Frank J. Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 343.07 GAR-G]
Legal and Economic Principles of word Trade Law
by Horn, Henrik | Mavroidis, Petros C. Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.92 LEG-]
Linking Global Trade and Human Right : New Policy Space in Hard Economic Times
by Drache, Daniel | Jacobs, Lesley A. Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.3 LIN-]
Trade Governance in the Digital Age : World Trade Forum
by Burri, Mira | Cottier, Thomas. Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.92 TRA-]
An analysis of India -Asean trade potentials : role of WTO / Rupali Ahluwalia
by Ahluwalia, Rupali. Publisher: New Delhi : ICSSR, 2013-14Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RA.0222]
Guide to international Trade Organizations/ Gregory Barton
by Barton, Gregory. Publisher: USA: American Academic, 2024Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.92 BAR-G]
Foreign trade review : quarterly journal of the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade.
by Indian Institute of Foreign Trade. Publisher: New Delhi : Sage Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: 382/.0954/005]