Structural and functional changes in the joint family system: a study based on D.C.M. workers
by Raina, J.L. Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 1989Availability: Items available for loan:
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Effective leadership: a study of white collar workers' union leaders in role perspective
by Nischal, Surendra. Publisher: New Delhi Uppal Publishing 1989Availability: Items available for loan:
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Taming the coolie beast:plantation society and the colonial order in Southeast Asia
by Breman, Jan. Publisher: Delhi Oxford University Press 1989Availability: Items available for loan:
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Social perspective of labour legislation in India 1859-1932 : as applied to tea plantations
by Chattopadhyay, Ramkrishna | Guha, Amalendu. Publisher: University of Calcutta 1987Availability: Items available for reference:
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Calcutta cycle-rickshaw pullers: a sociological study
by Bandyopadhyay, Subir. Publisher: Calcutta Minerva Associates 1990Availability: Items available for loan:
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Labour-management relations: a study of textile industry in Jammu and Kashmir
by Gani, Abdu. Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 1991Availability: Items available for loan:
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Modernisation and employment
by Isaac, T.M.Thomas | Stuijvenberg, P.A. Van | Nair, K.N. Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 1992Availability: Items available for loan:
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Development and backwardness: coexistence or confronation?:coexistence or confronation?:a study of leather workers of Karnataka
by Parameswara, S | Ishwaran, K. Publisher: New Delhi Reliance Publishing 1990Availability: Items available for loan:
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Capital accumulation and women's labour in Asian economies
by Custers, Peter. Publisher: New Delhi Vistaar Publications 1997Availability: Items available for loan:
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Role of women workers in the tea industry of north east India
by Singh, Navinder K. Publisher: New Delhi Classical Publishing 2001Availability: Items available for loan:
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Industrial economics: with special reference to cotton textile mills industry
by Dhanaraj, P.Princ. Publisher: New Delhi Reliance Publishing 2002Availability: Items available for loan:
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Making of the Indian working class: a case of the Tata iron and steel company, 1880-1946
by Bahl, Vina. Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 1995Availability: Items available for loan:
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Unwanted and uprooted : a political study of migrants, refugees, stateless and displaced of South Asia
by Ghosh, Partha S. Publisher: New Delhi Samskriti 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
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Down and out : Labouring under global capitalism
by Berman, Jan | Das, Arvind N. Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2000Availability: Items available for loan:
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Working in the mill no more
by Breman, Jan. Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
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Prophets of new India: twenty social workers who transformed the lives of thousands of people Publisher: New Delhi Penguin Enterprise 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
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Labour and social issues in plantations in South Asia: role of social dialogue
by Sivananthiran, A | Ratnam, C.S. Venkat. Publisher: New Delhi International Labour Organisation 2002Availability: Items available for loan:
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Defending human rights in Russia: Sergei Kovalyov, dissident and human rights commissioner, 1969-2003
by Gilligan, Emma | RoutledgeCurzon series on Russian and East European | Sakwa, Richard. Publisher: London RoutledgeCurzon 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
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Child abuse and culture: working with diverse families
by Fontes, Lisa Aronson. Publisher: New York Guilford Press 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
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Migration of knowledge workers: second generation effects of India's brain drain
by Khadria, Binod. Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 1999Availability: Items available for loan:
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Coffee paradox: global markets, commodity trade and the elusive promise of development
by Daviron, Benoit | Ponte, Stefano. Publisher: London Zed Books 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
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Servant problem: domestic employment in a global economy
by Cox, Rosie. Publisher: London I.B. Tauris 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
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World report 2007: events of 2006
by Human Rights Watch. Publisher: Delhi Bookwell 2007Availability: Items available for loan:
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Women domestics: workers within households
by Singh, Vinita. Publisher: Jaipur Rawat Publications 2007Availability: Items available for loan:
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Competing for knowledge: creating, connecting and growing
by Huggins, Robert | Izushi, Hiro. Publisher: London Routledge 2007Availability: Items available for loan:
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Women workers and globalization: emergent contradictions in India
by Mazumdar, Indrani. Publisher: Delhi Center for Women's Development Studies 2007Availability: Items available for loan:
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Gender transformation and female migration: Sri Lankan domestic workers negotiate transnational household relations
by Pinnawala, Mallika. Publisher: The Hague Institute of Social Studies 2009Availability: Items available for loan:
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New paradox for Japanese women: greater choice, greater inequality
by Toshiaki. Tachibanaki | Foster, Mary E. Publisher: Tokyo International House of Japan 2010Availability: Items available for loan:
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Tea labourers of North East India: an anthropo-historical perspective
by Sengupta, Sarthak. Publisher: New Delhi Mittal Publications 2009Availability: Items available for loan:
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Research for effective social work practice
by Krysik, Judy L | Lieberman, Alice A | Finn, Jerry. Edition: 2ndPublisher: New York Routledge 2010Availability: Items available for loan:
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Memories of a rolling stone
by Mazumdar, Vina. Publisher: New Delhi Zubaan 2010Availability: Items available for loan:
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Social security for unorganised workers in India: issues and concerns
by Bagchi, Kanak Kanti | Gope, Nirupam. Publisher: Gurgaon Madhav Books 2012Availability: Items available for loan:
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Social safety net: a study in labour adjustment in West Bengal
by Mishra, R.K | Venkataramana, P. Publisher: New Delhi Bloomsbury Publishing India 2013Availability: Items available for loan:
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Witches, tea plantations and lives of migrant laborers in India: tempest in a te
by Chaudhuri, Soma. Publisher: New Delhi Foundation Books 2014Availability: Items available for loan:
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Gorkhas in the wilderness: a study in North East India
by Sharma, Khemraj. Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2013Availability: Items available for loan:
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Textile industry in India: changing trends and employment challenges
by Oberoi, Bindu. Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
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South Asian migration to Gulf countries: history, policies, development
by Oommen, Ginu Zacharia | Jain, Prakash C. Publisher: New Delhi Routledge 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
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Women migrant workers: ethical, political and legal problems
by Meghani, Zahra | Momsen, Janet Henshall | Monk, Janice. Publisher: New York Routledge 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
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Socio-economic and working conditions of the tea plantation workers in Tamil Nadu: a social work response to industrial setting
by Paul, D.John. Publisher: Mumbai Himalaya Publishing House 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
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State without honour: women workers in India's anganwadis
by Sreerekha, M.S. Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
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Gender and management: international perspectives
by Vanka, Sita. Publisher: Jaipur Rawat Publications 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
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Absenteeism and labour turnover: a study of textile industry in Rajasthan
by Jain, Rajee. Publisher: Jaipur Aalekh Publishers 1990Availability: Items available for loan:
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Administration of workmen's compensation law in the states of Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab
by Bhatia, K.L. Publisher: University of Poona 1981Availability: Items available for reference:
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Agricultural backwardness and child labour in match industry : a study of Sivakasi area of Tamil Nadu
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Analysis of patterns and procedures in communication of farm information by village level workers and factors associated with their communication behaviour
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Assessment of requirement of food tecnologists, managers and entrepreneurs in the food processing industry
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Beedi workers among the urban poor
by Patil, B.R | Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Publisher: 1985Availability: Items available for reference:
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Bharat mein dabav-samuh: Purvi Uttar Pradesh me ganna utpadke, cheeni mill malikon avem cheeni mill madooron ki sansthaon ki gatividhiyan ka ek adhyayan
by Singh, Dina Nath | Banaras Hindu University. Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi 1981Availability: Items available for reference:
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Black hole of industrial Bombay
by Sonalkar, Sudhir | Shankar Brahme Samaj Vidnyana Granthalaya, Pune. Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi 1984Availability: Items available for reference:
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Causes and consequences of health conditions of the brassware workers of Moradabad city : :A case study in medical geography
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changes in the working and living conditions of workers in jute industry in West Bengal (1980 to 1992) : A study
by Kundu, Gour Kumar | Ghosh, Biswanath. Publisher: University of Burdwan 1994Availability: Items available for reference:
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Changing profile and expectations of employees and its relevance to personnel funcation : A study of chemical industry
by Ratnaparkhi, S.V | Desai, Kishor G. Publisher: Tata Institute of Social Science 1989Availability: Items available for reference:
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Changing trends in women's employment: a case study of the textile industry in Bombay
by Savara, Mira | Savur, Manorama. Publisher: University of Bombay 1981Availability: Items available for reference:
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Closure of tea gardens and displaced livelihoods: a study of women plantation labourers :
by Sarkar, Sumita. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi Availability: Items available for reference:
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Community development administration in India with special reference to recruitment and training of the village level workers in Vidarbha
by Deogaonkar, S.G | Murti, V.S. Publisher: Nagpur University 1977Availability: Items available for reference:
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Concepts of the tasks of gramsevika held by employed gram sevikas and mukhya sev
by Rammani, Meherunnissa N | Lyle, Mary S. Publisher: M.S. University of Baroda 1963Availability: Items available for reference:
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Condition of labour in cotton textile industry of Uttar Pradesh
by Prakash Narain | Sharma, T.R. Publisher: Agra University 1982Availability: Items available for reference:
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Construction workers in Delhi : Report of a survey
by Mukhopadhyay, Swapna | Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi 0Availability: Items available for reference:
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Critical study of child labour in auto workshops in unorganised sector in Haryana with special reference to District - Gurgaon
by Yadav, Hans Raj | Sharma, S. K. Publisher: Maharishi Dayanand University 2004Availability: Items available for reference:
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Critical study of the educational problems of the children of Vidi Kamgar Mahila in Solapur corporation area
by Kulkarni, Vasumati Narayanrao | Shitole, C.B. Publisher: Shivaji University 1986Availability: Items available for reference:
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Developing and testing effectiveness of educational intervention of health and nutrition for promoting congnitive learning of anganwadi workers
by Randhawa, Varinder | Roy, S. Publisher: Punjab Agricultural University 1994Availability: Items available for reference:
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Displacement and rehabilitation of migrant workers in informal sector: a case study of South Delhi district :
by Ishtiyaq, M. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 2007Availability: Items available for reference:
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Displacement of erosion forced agricultural population and it's consequences- a study in the central Brahmaputra valley, Assam :
by Jasmin, Nilofar | Marigaon College, Assam. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 2008Availability: Items available for reference:
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Drug abuse among mine workers of Odisha :
by Israil Miya. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 2017Availability: Items available for reference:
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Economic analysis and growth implications of expanding sugar output through alternative technologies
by Tyagi, Rakesh Chandra | Mishra, G.P. Publisher: Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow Kanpur University, Kanpur 1992Availability: Items available for reference:
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Employment in women preferred industries in India : A study on garment industry in Kerala
by Sukumaran Nair, M.K | Institute of Small Enterprises and Development, Cochin. Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi 1997Availability: Items available for loan:
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Encyclopedia of human resources information systems
by Torres-Coronas, Teresa | Arias-Oliva, Mario. Publisher: Hershey Information Science Reference 2009Availability: Items available for loan:
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Evaluation of Chief Minister's Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme for the tea and ex-tea garden tribes of Assam: a case study of Golaghat and Jorhat Districts
by Saikia, Apurba. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 0Availability: Items available for reference:
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GATB-aptitude structure and norms for general working population and specific jobs in textile industry
by Dolke, Ashok Mahadeo | Pareek, Udai. Publisher: Gujarat University 1978Availability: Items available for reference:
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Global capital and peripheral labour: political economy of tea plantations in southern India C. 1850-1950
by Raman, K. Ravi | Kannan, K. P. Publisher: University of Kerala, Trivandrum 1997Availability: Items available for reference:
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Growing industry, sick workers: a study of the leather tanning industry of Dindigul from an occupational health perspective
by Nihila, Millie | Swaminathan, Padmini. Publisher: University of Madras, Madras 1999Availability: Items available for reference:
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Health and well being of women embroidery workers in the chikan industry of Lucknow
by Gulati, Bhavana | Nayar, K.R. Publisher: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 2004Availability: Items available for reference:
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History of the working class in the Calcutta Tramways Company 1920-1967
by Ray, Siddhartha Guha | Guha, Amalendu. Publisher: University of Calcutta 1988Availability: Items available for reference:
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Human resources in the electronics industry: a case study of Bangalore
by Panchamukhi, P.R | Annigeri, V.B | Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 0Availability: Items available for reference:
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Immigrant labourers in Jorhat District of Assam : A case study of migration and its socio-economic and political impact
by Hazarika, Joysankar | J.B.College, Jorhat. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 2000Availability: Items available for reference:
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Impact of mechanization on labour employment : An econometric analysis
by Prihar, Randhir Singh. Publisher: Punjab Agricultural University 1980Availability: Items available for reference:
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Impact of MGNREGA on the economic well-being of unskilled workers: Evidence from Puducherry Union Territory
by Azhagaiah, R. Publisher: 2015Availability: Items available for reference:
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Indian immigrant plantation workers in Sri Lanka: a historical perspective 1880-1910
by Wesumperuma, Dharmapriya. Publisher: Kelaniya Vidyalankara Press 1986Availability: Items available for loan:
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Industrial relations in the paper industry of Andhra Pradesh : A study of worker-management and union-management relations
by Ganju, M.K | Dakshinamurthy, D. Publisher: Nagarjuna University 1977Availability: Items available for reference:
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Industrial workers in a developing society: a sociological study
by Mukherjee, Indrani. Publisher: New Delhi Mittal Publications 1985Availability: Items available for loan:
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Intelligence, interests, values and personality traits of voluntary and professional social workers
by Singh, Sheo Swarath | Dhapola, T.S. Publisher: Kashi Vidyapith 1981Availability: Items available for reference:
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Invisible hands : Women workers in the garment export industry New Delhi
by Rao, V. Rukmini | Husain, Sahba. Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi 0Availability: Items available for reference:
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Islands of development role of voluntary action in rural transformation
by Deshpande, Vasant | Indian Institute of Education, Pune. Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi 1990Availability: Items available for reference:
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Job competence and job performance of agricultural officers in Training and visit system of Andhra Pradesh
by Reddy, K. Nagi | Veerabhadraiah, V. Publisher: University of Agricultural Science, Bangalore 1990Availability: Items available for reference:
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Job performances of anganwadi workers of Baroda city as perceived by themseleves and their supervisors
by Seth, Nirmal | Chandra, A. Publisher: M.S. University of Baroda 1985Availability: Items available for reference:
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Kamkaji mahilayon ke manvadhikar: ek visleshan ( Ujjain nagar ke vishesh sandarbh mein)
by Indurkar, Subhangi | Rewrikar, Nalini. Publisher: Vikram University, Ujjain 2007Availability: Items available for reference:
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Knitwear garment exports from Tirupur-a study of its problems and prospects
by Karuppusamy, R.K | Palanichamy, P. Publisher: Pondicherry University 2010Availability: Items available for reference:
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Labour conditions in the oil mill industry in Uttar Pradesh
by Gautam, D.P | Bhatnagar, K.P. Publisher: Agra University 1971Availability: Items available for reference:
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Labour welfare in the cotton textile industry of U.P. : A study of four hundred workers in the large scale industries of Kanpur
by Srivastava, Sharbati Devi | Surendra Singh. Publisher: University of Lucknow 1974Availability: Items available for reference:
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Labour welfare measures : A study of cotton textile industry
by Bhalla, Nigam Sarup | Cheema, C.S. Publisher: Guru Nanak Dev University 1999Availability: Items available for reference:
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Landless workers and farmers;: peasant subclasses under agrarian reforms in two Philippine villages
by Ledesma, Antonio J. Publisher: Manila International Rice Research Institute 1982Availability: Items available for loan:
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Long haul
by Bakshi, Rajni. Publisher: Bombay Build Documentation Centre 1986Availability: Items available for loan:
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Low income women workers: coping with socio-economic stressors and quality of family life
by Srivastava, Abhilasha | Pandey, Janak. Publisher: University of Allahabad 2002Availability: Items available for reference:
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Migrant labour in plantation economy: a socio-historic profile of the migrant labourers in Kodagu
by Antony, Piush | Karanth, G. K. Publisher: Osmania University, Hyderabad 2006Availability: Items available for reference:
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Migration of rural labour in the districts of Ganjam and Puri in Orissa :
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Miti and the Japanese miracle: the growth of industrial policy, 1925-1975
by Johnson, Chalmers. Publisher: Stanford Stanford University Press 1982Availability: Items available for loan:
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Need fulfilment of organizations and soci-economic needs fulfilment of the employees, through the part-time diploma programme, conducted at the government polytechnic, Poona-16
by Kulkarni, Arvind Anant | Joshi, Kuldip. Publisher: University of Pune 1982Availability: Items available for reference:
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Organisational pattern and levels of living of handloom weavers : a study in coastal Andhra Pradesh
by Pani, B. Saranga | Ramana, K.V. Publisher: Andhra University 1987Availability: Items available for reference:
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Organization and structure of the labour force in the Iron and Steel Industry in India
by Srivastava, Samar. B | Gangopadhyay, A. Publisher: Mumbai Tata Institute of Social Sciences 2007Availability: Items available for reference:
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Paid domestic work in Bengaluru: a comparative study of migrant and native women workers
by Om Prakash, L.T. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 2014Availability: Items available for reference:
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