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Item types
- A Development in Practice reader
- Advanced quantitative techniques in the social sciences seri
- American lecture series: a monograph in the bannerstone division of American lectures in philosophy
- Analytical methods for social research
- Applied social research methods series
- Applied social research methods series; Vol.2
- Applied social research methods series; Vol.5
- Applied social research methods series; Vol.6
- ASA Monograph; 36
- Asian thought and culture
- Biographical research series
- Blackwell companions to sociology
- Blackwell Philosophy Guides
- Boston studies in the philosophy of science
- British library research paper; 60
- Celebrating Indonesia
- Century Psychology Series
- Chapman and Hall
- Classical and Contemporary Political Theory
- Comparative Study in Behavioural Science:a wiley series
- Complete A-Z Handbooks
- Concepts in communication information & librarianship; 41
- Concepts in Social Thought
- Concepts in the Social Sciences
- Concepts in the social sciences
- Conflunce: Surveys of research in the social sciences
- Contemporary Social research
- Contemporary South Asia
- Critical concepts in political science
- CROP publications
- Culture, economy and the social
- Development guidelines no.6
- Economics as social theory
- Essentials of behavioral science series
- Ethikon series in comparative ethicks
- Exploring Urban Change in South Asia
- Globalization
- Guides to Information Sources
- History of science, philosophy and culture in Indian civiliz
- ICSSR occasional monographs (second series); 1
- Indo-Dutch Studies on Development Alternatives; 23
- International Handbook of Quantitative Applications in the S
- International handbooks of quantitative applications in the
- International library of systems theory and philosophy
- International series in decision processes
- International series in experimental social psychology
- International studies series
- Jossey-Bass behavioral science series
- Leonard Hastings Schoff memorial lectures
- McGraw-Hill series in Psychology
- Methodological perspectives
- Oxford in India readings in sociology and social anthropolog
- Palgrave Master Series
- Palgrave Study Guides
- Political Power and Social Theory
- Politics, History and Culture
- Prentice-Hall general socialogy series
- Prentice-Hall general sociology series
- Prentice-Hall methods of social sciences series
- Prentice-Hall series in automatic computation
- Prentice-Hall series in mathematical economics
- Princeton studies in cultural sociology
- Problems of the contemporary world; 118
- Program evaluation kit
- Program evaluation kit; 8;Joan L. Herman
- Psychological studies; 6
- Quantitative applications in the social sciences; 07-017
- Quantitative applications in the social sciences; 160
- Quantitative studies in social relations
- RCSS Policy Studies; 26
- Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations
- Research in sociology and social anthropology: third survey;
- Research Information Series; 5
- Routledge Advance in Research Methods
- Routledge Advances in Research Methods
- Routledge advances in sociology; 210
- Routledge contemporary South Asia series:10
- Routledge Studies in Critical Realism
- Routledge Studies in Development Economics
- Sage benchmarks in social research methods
- Sage library of social research; 175
- Sage library of social research; Vol.29
- Sage reference publication
- Sage social psychology programme
- Sage University paper series on quantitative applications in
- Sage University paper series on quantitative applications in social science
- Scientific American Resource Library
- Series; 07-001
- Series; 07-003
- Social research today
- Sociology and social welfare series
- Student contribution series; 3
- Studies in applied statistics
- Studies in Asian social development; 4
- Studies on socio-cultural development alternatives in a chan
- The Anthropocene: Politik-Economics-Society-Science
- The Survey Kit; 7
- Union catalogue series; 1
- Westview special studies in applied social research
- World student series