Papers presented at the twelfth IASLIC conference held at Roorkee, December 26-27, 1979
by Kapoor, S.K | Mukhopadhyay, Ashok | Kulkarni, S.M | Application of management techniques to library and information systems. Publisher: Calcutta IASLIC 1979Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.02 APP-;]
Papers: national seminar
by Library and information science education in India. Publisher: Kerala University of Kerala 1986Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 020.7 NAT;]
Papers presented at the 13th IASLIC conference held at Andhra University, Waltair, Dec.30, 1981-Jan.2, 1982
by Kapoor, S.K | Roy, A.K | Roy, P.B | IASLIC special publication. Publisher: Calcutta IASLIC 1981Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 021.60954 IAS;]
Perspectives in library and information science
by Aggarwal, S.N. Publisher: Lucknow Print House 1982Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020 PER-]
Planning of library and documentation services
by Penna, C.V. Publisher: Paris Unesco 1967Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.5 PEN-;]
Printed reference material: handbooks on library practice
by Higgens, Gavin. Publisher: New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1980Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 028.7 PRI;]
Proceedings of the ICLG Conference, Scotland, 1974
by Whatley, Allan/s. Publisher: New Delhi The British Council 1974Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.6 ICL-P]
Proceedings of the national convention on library and information networking (NACLIN 2005) held at P E S Institute of Technology Bangalore August 22-25, 2005
by Kaul, H.K | Sen, Gayathri | National Convention on Library and Information Networking NACLIN 2005. Publisher: New Delhi Developing Library Network 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 021.65 NAT-P]
Production of micro-forms
by Hawkins, Reginald. Publisher: New Brunswick Graduate School of Library Service 1960Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.1794 HAW-;]
Protecting the library and its resources: a guide to physical protection and insurance:report on a study Publisher: Chicago American Library Association 1963Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.8 PRO;]
Public libraries for Asia
by Paris. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. Publisher: Paris the author 1956Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.45 PAR-P]
Public libraries for everyone: the growth and development of library services in the United states, especially since the passage of the library services act
by Daniel, Hawthorne. Publisher: New Delhi Doubleday & Co. 1961Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.4 DAN-P]
Public library legislation: a comparative study
by Gardner, Frank M. Publisher: Paris Unesco 1971Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.4 GAR-;]
Public library services for children
by McColvin, Lionel R. Publisher: Paris Unesco 1957Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.52774 MCC-;]
Public library system: India, Sri Lanka, U K, U S A comparative library legislation
by Ranganathan, S.R | Neelameghan, A. Publisher: Bangalore Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library 1972Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.454 PUB;]
Quality in libraries: seminar papers thirty-second All India Library Conference S.K. University, Anantpur:January 3-6, 1987
by Vashishth, C.P | All India Library Conference. Publisher: Delhi Indian Library Association 1987Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.954 ALL-Q]
Readings in library cataloguing
by Olding, R.K. Publisher: New Delhi Lakshmi Book 1966Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.34 REA;]
Reference readiness: a manual for librarians and students
by Ziskind, Sylvia. Publisher: London Clive Bingley 1971Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.52 ZIS-;]
Report on feasibility study for a computer based circulation control system
by New Delhi. National Social Science Documentation Centre. Indian Council of Social Science Research. Publisher: New Delhi Indian Council of Social Science Researc 1988Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.60285 NEW-;]
Research methods in librarianship: historical and bibliographical methods in lib
by Stevens, Rolland E. Publisher: London Clive Bingley 1971Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.72 RES-]
Resource sharing of libraries in developing countries
by Vervliet, H.D.L. Publisher: New York K.G. Saur 1979Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 021.64 RES;]
Role of libraries and information centres in Social science research in India with special reference to North Western region: January 31-February 2, 1991
by Chandigarh. Punjab University. Department of Library and Information Science. Publisher: Chandigarh Department of Library and Information Science 1991Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 021.20954 CHA-;]
Role of university libraries in support of research: a case study of Andhra university library
by Raju, P. Soma. Publisher: Visakhapatnam Andhra University 1990Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.75484 RAJ-;]
Seventh IASLIC Conference, 27-30 December, 1967
by IASLIC Conference. Publisher: Delhi University of Delhi 1967Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.6 IAS-S]
Simulation activities in library, communication and information science
by Williams, James G | Penland, Petrick R. Publisher: New York Marcel Dekker 1976Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.1 WIL-;]
Small public library building
by Galvin, Hoyt R | Buren, Martin Van. Publisher: Paris Unesco 1959Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 022.314 GAL-;]
SMART retrieval system: experiments in automatic document processing
by Salton, Gerard. Publisher: New Jersey Prentice-Hall 1971Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.04 SMA;]
Social science information and documentation: search for relevance in India
by Agrawal, S.P. Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 1987Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 026.3 AGR-S]
Social sciences: information system Publisher: Moscow USSR Academy of sciences 1985Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.063 SOC;]
Sociological concepts and their representation in information retrieval tools: A comparative study of terminology
by Pathak, Lalit P | Binwal, J.C. Publisher: North-Eastern Hill University 1995Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TP.0365]
Soviet libraries and librarianship
by Ruggles, Melville J. Publisher: Chicago American Library Association 1963Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.47 RUG-S]
State of the library art
by Shaw, Ralph R. Publisher: New Jersey Graduate School of Library Service 1960Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.4 CAT;]
Studies in library management
by Holroyd, Gileon. Publisher: London Clive Bingley 1974Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.1 STU;]
Technology and management in library and information services
by Lancaster, F.W | Sandore, Beth. Publisher: London Library Association 1997Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.0602552 LAN-;]
Tenth IASLIC conference
by IASLIC Conference. Publisher: Calcutta the author 1975Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.6 IAS-T]
Theory and history of bibliography
by Scheneider, George | Shaw, Ralph Robert. Publisher: New York Scarecrow Press 1934Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 010.1 SCH-;]
Towards a theory for UDC: essays aimed at structural understanding and operation development
by Perreault, J.M. Publisher: London Clive bingley 1969Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.432 PER-;]
Treatise on colon classification: appended with a select bibliogrpahy on the scheme
by Kaula, P.N. Publisher: New Delhi Sterling Publishers 1985Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.435 KAU-;]
Trends of information service in India
by Ghosh, G.B | Banerjee, B.N. Publisher: Calcutta World press 1974Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.954 GHO-;]
Unisist: synopsis of the feasibility study on a World science information system
by Unesco | Unesco. Publisher: Paris Unesco 1971Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 026 UNE;]
Universal decimal classification: international medium edition english text Publisher: s.l. British Standard Institution 1985Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 025.432 UNI;]
University library system in India
by Deshpande, K.S. Publisher: New Delhi Sterling Publishers 1985Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.754 DES-;]
Use of libraries: a guide to better use of libraries and their resources
by Sharma, C.D. Publisher: New Delhi Metropolitan 1978Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.5 SHA-;]
Use of microprocessors in information analysis and library applications
by Nagarajan, S. Publisher: New Delhi Batra Book Service 1988Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.00285 USE;]
Working papers & proceedings of the three symposia held during the third Iaslic seminar, Lucknow, 1964
by IASLIC special publication. Publisher: Calcutta Albert-Hall 1966Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 021.60954 IAS-]
Working papers for the symposia held during sixth IASLIC conference, Trivendrum,1965
by Indian Association of Special | Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres | IASLIC Conference. Publisher: Calcutta the author 1965Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.6 IAS-W]
Working papers of the two symposia for the fourth IASLIC seminar, Hyderabad, 196 Publisher: Calcutta Albert hall 1966Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.6 IAS-W]
Working papers, proceedings and recommendations of the symposia held during the fourth IASLIC conference, Dhanbad
by Indain Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers | IASLIC Conference. Publisher: Calcutta the author 1967Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.6 IAS-W]
Your library: a reference guide
by Katz, William. Publisher: New York Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1984Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.56 KAT-;]
Experiences of library network administrators: papers based on the symposium "from our past:toward 2000"
by Luquire, Wilson. Publisher: New York Haworth Press 1984Availability: No items available
Advances in librarianship
by J.K. Khanna | Harris, Michael H. Publisher: New Delhi Ess Ess Publications 1985Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.04 KHA-;]
Experiences of library network administrators: papers based on the symposium "from our past:toward 2000"
by Luquire, Wilson. Publisher: New York Haworth Press 1984Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 021.650973 EXP;]
Encyclopedia of library and information science
by Kent, Allen | Daily, Jay E. Publisher: New York Marcel Dekker 1969Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 020.3 ENC;]
Encyclopedia of library and information science
by Kent, Allen | Daily, Jay E. Publisher: New York Marcel Dekker 1969Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.3 ENC;]
Library & Information Science Abstract Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Library & Information Science Abstract Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Library & Information Science Abstract Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
LIbrary & Information Science Abstracts 1969 Publisher: NISC Discover Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
LIbrary & Information Science Abstracts 1969 Publisher: NISC Discover Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
LIbrary & Information Science Abstracts 1969 Publisher: NISC Discover Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
LIbrary & Information Science Abstracts 1969 Publisher: NISC Discover Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
LIbrary & Information Science Abstracts 1969 Publisher: NISC Discover Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
LIbrary & Information Science Abstracts 1969 Publisher: NISC Discover Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
LIbrary & Information Science Abstracts 1969 Publisher: NISC Discover Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Librarianship in 21st century
by Prasad, H.N | Tripathi, Aditya | Verma, Kumar Manoj | Mishra, Rajani. Publisher: New Delhi ESS ESS Publication 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020 LIB]
Research methods for library science professionals
by Singh, Gurdev. Publisher: New Delhi Ess Ess Publications 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.072 SIN-R]
Library 2.0 : trends & issues
by Satpathy, Chandra Kishor. Publisher: Jaipur S.K Jain & Sons 2015Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.48 LIB-]
Recent Trends in Libraries in A Networked Environment :Challenges and Opportunities for Librarianship in 21st Century
by Ansari, Mohd Shoaib. Publisher: New Delhi Ess Ess Publications 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.285 REC-]
Innovative Research : In Library and Information Science
by Bhardwaj, Pankaj K. Publisher: New Delhi Ess Ess Publications 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020 INN-]
Library Technology Reports Publisher: Chicago, United State of America American Library Association Availability: No items available
Transformative Library and Information Work: Profiles on Social Justice
by Bales, Stephen | Budzise-weaaver, Tina. Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020 BAL-T]
Front -Line Librarianship Life on the Job for Today's Librarians
by Robertson, Guy. Publisher: United Kingdom Chandos Publishing 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.23 ROB-F]
Evaluating Demand - Driven Acquisitions
by Costello, Laura. Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.2 COS-E]
Library Consortia: Practical Guide for library Managers
by Tripathi, Aditya | Lal, Jawahar. Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 021.64 TRI-L]
Practical for Informationists : Supporting Research and Clinical Practise
by DeRosa, Antonio P. Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.04 PRA-]
Emerging Library Technologies :It's not just for geeks
by Joiner, Ida Arlene. Publisher: United States Chandos Publishing 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.00285 JOI-E]
21st Century Academic Library: Global Patterns of Organization and Discourse
by Bolin,Mary K. Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.7 BOL-T]
Taking Your Library Career to the Next Level: Particapating, Publishing, and Presenting
by Hibner, Holly | Kelly, Mary. Publisher: United States Chandos Publishing 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.23 HIB-T]
Experiential Library :Transforming academic and Research Libraries Through The Power of Experiental Learning
by McDonnell, Pete. Edition: 1st Ed.Publisher: United States Chandos Publishing 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.7 EXP-]
Staff-Less Libraries:Innovative Staff Design
by Johannesen, Carl Gustav. Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.4 JOH-S]
End of Wisdom? : The Future of Libraries in a Digital Age
by Baker, David | Evans, Wendy. Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.001 BAK-E]
Stepping Away From the Silos : Strategis Collaboration in Digitisation
by Coutts, Margaret. Edition: 1st Ed.Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.84 COU-S]
पुस्तकालय एवं सुचना विज्ञान के अवधारणात्मक एवं वस्तुनिष्ठ दृष्टिकोण
by किशोर, अमित Kishor, Amit. Publisher: Agra Y.K Publishers 2019Other title: Pustakalya Evm Suchna Vigyan ke Awdharnatmak evam Vastunishth Drushtikon.Availability: No items available Checked out (1).
Union catalogue of CD-Rom databases in social sciences /Nutan Johry (ed.)
by Johry, Nutan. Publisher: New Delhi Indian Council of Social Science Research 2001Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 016.3 UNI-]
The science and the profession of libraries : a visionary's perspective : (a collection of 20 papers) / S.R. Ranganathan ; edited by Dr. A.Y. Asundi, Dr. B.M. Meera.
by A. Y., Asundi [editor.] | B. M., Meera [editor.] | Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science. Edition: Edition 1.Publisher: New Delhi : Ess Ess Publications, 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020 SCI-]
Preservation and Conservation of Library Resources / P. Balasubramanian.
by Balasubramanian, P [Author.]. Edition: 1st edition.Publisher: New Delhi : Ess Ess Publicatons, 2021Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.84 BAL-P]
Foundations of Library and Information Science / P. Balasubramanian
by Balasubramanian, P. Publisher: New Delhi : Ess Ess Publications, 2021Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020 BAL-F]
Indian Journal of Library and Information Science
by Red flower publication pvt. Ltd. Publisher: New delhi: Red flower publication pvt.Ltd. Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: 025]
Research Activities in Library and information Science/ By Carl Goldman
by Goldman, Carl [Author,]. Publisher: Wilmington : American Academic, 2024Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.72 GOL-R]
Research Methodology In Library Science/ By Wilbert Shelton
by Shelton, Wilbert [author]. Publisher: United State: Kaufman Press, 2022Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.72 SHE-E]
Applied Research in Library and Information Science/ by Scott Bradshaw.
by Bradshaw, Scott [Author]. Publisher: United State of America: Kaufman Press; 2022Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 020.72 BRA-A]