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4201. Three statesmen Gokhale, Gandhi, and Nehru

by Nanda,B.R.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 923.6 NAN-T] (1).

4202. Understanding Gandhi : Gandhians in Conversation with Fred J Blum

by Thakkar, Usha | Mehta, Jayshree.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2011Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 809.56 UND-] (1).

4203. World crisis and the Gandhian way

by Mishra,Anil Dutta | Narayanasamy,S.

Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 954.035 MIS-W] (1).

4204. Corporate Social Responsibility the changing perspectives

by Mishra, R.K | Sarkar, Shulagna | Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad.

Publisher: New Delhi Academic Foundation 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 658.47 CSR-] (1).

4205. social science index full text

Publisher: proquest Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0549] (1).

4206. social science index full text

by .

Publisher: proquest Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: mm0551] (1).

4207. social science index full text

Publisher: proquest Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: mm0553] (1).

4208. social science index full text

Publisher: proquest Availability: No items available

4209. Social Science Index : Full Text

Publisher: ProQuest Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0557] (2).

4210. social science index fulltext

Publisher: ProQuest Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0561] (10).

4211. Social Science Index Full Text

Publisher: ProQuest Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0572] (3).

4212. Social Science Index Fulltext

Publisher: ProQuest Availability: No items available

4213. Social Science Index Full Text

Publisher: ProQuest Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0577] (5).

4214. Social Science Index Full Text

Publisher: ProQuest Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0582] (10).

4215. Social science index Full text

Publisher: ProQuest Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0592] (10).

4216. Social science Index Full Text

Publisher: ProQuest Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0602] (11).

4217. Social Science Index Ful Text

Publisher: ProQuest Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0613] (13).

4218. Food and Agricultural Organistaion of The United State (FAOATAT)

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0629] (1).

4219. The State of Governance in Bangladesh 2012

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0631] (1).

4220. Singapore National Bibliography

Publisher: 2007Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0633] (1).

4221. Library Information Science Abstracts (LISA)

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0634] (1).

4222. Social Science Citation Index With Abstract

Publisher: 2007Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0635] (3).

4223. World Higher Education database 2000

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0638] (1).

4224. National Institute of Urban News

Publisher: 2006Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0639] (4).

4225. Book review Digest

Publisher: 2000Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0644] (1).

4226. First Compendium Of Environmental Statistics Trinidad and Tobago

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0647] (1).

4227. Globalization In India: The Key Issues

Publisher: 2012Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0648] (1).

4228. Introduction To Quantitive Research Methods

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0652] (1).

4229. Food and Nutrition Library 2.1

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0654] (1).

4230. Human Development

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0657] (1).

4231. Digitization of Rare Document

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0658] (1).

4232. South Indian Population Information System ( Tamilnadu and Pondichery)

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0662] (1).

4233. Social Science Citation

Publisher: 2007Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0666] (1).

4234. Agrarian transformation in Western India : economic gains and social costs

by Mohanty, B.B.

Edition: South Asia EditionPublisher: New Delhi Routledge 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 630.9547 MOH-A] (1).

4235. Human development in an unequal world

by Prabhu, K. Seeta | Iyer, Sandhya S.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305 PRA-H] (1).

4236. Leaving the land : indigenous migration and affective labour in India

by Kikon, Dolly | Karlsson, B. G.

Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 307.2408995 KIK-L] (1).

4237. State of cities: Re- thinking Urban governance in narayanganj

Publisher: India 2013Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0681] (2).

4238. Citizenship : what everyone needs to know

by Spiro, Peter J.

Publisher: New York Oxford University Press 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 323.6 SPI-C] (1).

4239. Resurgent Asia : Diversity in development

by Nayyar, Deepak.

Edition: South AsiaPublisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 338.95 NAY-R] (1).

4240. Water histories of South Asia : the materiality of liquescence

by Ray, Sugata | Venugopal, Maddipati.

Edition: South Asia EditionPublisher: New York Routledge 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 333.9100954 WAT-] (1).

4241. Governance entrepreneurs : international organizations and the rise of global public-private partnerships

by Andonova, Liliana B.

Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 361.26 AND-G] (1).

4242. Social science institution in india

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0685] (1).

4243. Indian suffragettes : female identities and transnational networks

by Mukherjee, Sumita.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 324.6230954 IND-] (1).

4244. In-your-face Politics : the consequences of uncivil media

by Mutz, Diana C.

Publisher: United States of America Princeton University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 324.730973 MUT-I] (1).

4245. Overdoing democracy Why we must put politics in its place

by Talisse, Robert B.

Publisher: New York Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 321.8 ROB-O] (1).

4246. Political Elite Among Scheduled Castes

by Das, Aluri Sundar Kumar.

Publisher: Delhi Rawat Publications 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.51220954 DAS-P] (1).

4247. Research Methodology for Social Sciences/ edited by Rajat Acharyya, Nandan Bhattacharya

by Acharyya, Rajat [editor.] | Bhattacharya, Nandan [editor.].

Publisher: New Delhi: Routledge, 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 300.721 RES-] (2).

4248. India today conclave 2005

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0686] (3).

4249. Video Training Basic Video 2- Document Reality

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0689] (1).

4250. Education Research Information center

Publisher: 1999Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0691] (2).

4251. International Decade of People Africa Descent

Publisher: 1999Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0693] (1).

4252. Caste-Based Exclusion

by Karade, Jagan.

Publisher: New Delhi Rawat Publications 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.51220954 CAS-] (1).

4253. Digital condition

by Stalder, Felix.

Publisher: Berlin Polity Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 302.231 STA-D] (1).

4254. Failing Families, Failing Science : Work-Family Conflict in Academic Science

by Ecklund, Elaine Howard | Lincoln, Anne E.

Publisher: New York New York University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.36 ECK-F] (1).

4255. Gender and structural violence

by Pande, Rekha | Vanka, Sita.

Publisher: New Delhi Rawat Publications 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 362.83 GEN-] (1).

4256. Gender, Power and Identity : Essays on Masculinities in Rural North India

by Chowdhry, Prem.

Publisher: New Delhi Orient BlackSwan 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.310954558 CHO-G] (1).

4257. Healers or predators? : healthcare corruption in India

by Nundy, Samiran | Desiraju, Keshav | Nagral, Sanjay.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 362.10954 HEA-] (1).

4258. Is this who we are ? : 14 questions about Quebec

by Dubuc, Alain.

Publisher: Canada Ronsdale Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.09714 DUB-I] (1).

4259. Keeping the Peace : Spatial Differences in Hindu-Muslim Violence in Gujarat in 2002

by Dhattiwala, Raheel.

Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.6095475 DHA-K] (1).

4260. Knowing the Social World : Perspectives and Possibilities

by Jayaram N.

Publisher: New Delhi Orient Black Swan 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 300.72054 KNO-] (1).

4261. Meaningful resistance : market reforms and the roots of social protest in Latin America

by Simmons, Erica S.

Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.484098 SIM-M] (1).

4262. Narrow Fairways : Getting by & Falling Behind in The New India

by Inglis, Patrick.

Edition: South Asia EditionPublisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.50954 ING-N] (1).

4263. Pandora's dilemma : theories of social welfare for the twenty-first century

by Stoesz, David.

Publisher: New York Oxford University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 361.973 STO-P] (1).

4264. Unsettled belonging : educating Palestinian American youth after 9/11

by El-Haj, Thea Renda Abu.

Publisher: London The University of Chicago Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.899274073 ELH-U] (1).

4265. विकास की चक्की में पिसते लोग : इक्कीसवीं सदी के भारत में जातीय, जनजातीय और वर्गीय असमानता

by शाह, अल्पा Shah, Alpa.

Publisher: नयी दिल्ली ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड यूनिवर्सिटी प्रेस 2019Other title: Vikas Ki Chakki Main Piste Log: Ground down by growth by Alpa Shah and others.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.51220954 SHA-V] (1).

4266. We are data Algorithms and the making of our digital selves

by John Cheney-Lippold.

Publisher: New York Sage Publications 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 302.231 JOH-W] (1).

4267. Caste Discrimination

by Karade, Jagan.

Publisher: New Delhi Rawat Publications 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.51220954 CAS-] (1).

4268. Caste discrimination and exclusion in modern India

by Borooah, Vani Kant, et. al.

Publisher: India Sage Publications 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.51220954 BOR-C] (1).

4269. Culture of surveillance : watching as a way of life

by Lyon, David.

Publisher: United Kingdom Polity Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.4833 LYO-C] (1).

4270. दलित सशक्तिकरण : सामाजिक और आर्थिक दृष्टिकोण

by थोरात, सुखदेव [Thorat Sukhdev] | सभरवाल, साधना निधि [Sabharwal Sadana Nidhi ].

Publisher: Sage bhasha 2019Other title: Dalit sashaktikaran: samajik aur aarthik drishtikon | Eng title - Bridging the social gap: perspectives on dalit empowerment.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.5688 DAL-] (1).

4271. Denotified tribes of India : Discrimination, Development and Change

by Gandhi, Malli | Sundar, Kompalli H.S.S.

Publisher: New Delhi Manohar Publishers 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.5122095484 GAN-D] (1).

4272. Digital Sociology : the reinvention of social research

by Marres, Noortje.

Publisher: United Kingdom Polity Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 301.01 MAR-D] (1).

4273. Disasters : a sociological approach

by Tierney, Kathleen.

Publisher: United Kingdom Polity Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 363.341 TIE-D] (1).

4274. Experience, caste and the everyday social

by Guru, Gopal | Sundar, Sarukkai.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 302 GUR-E] (1).

4275. Exploring sociabilities of contemporary India : new perspectives

by Patel, Sujata.

Publisher: New Delhi Orient BlackSwan 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 301.0954 EXP-] (1).

4276. Field instruction in social work education : the Indian experience

by Nair; Roshni | Juvva Srilatha | Nadkarni V. Vimla.

Publisher: New Delhi Routledge 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 361.307155 FIE-] (1).

4277. Gale Directory of database

Publisher: 2009Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0737] (3).

4278. Gender and the Environment

by Detraz, Nicole.

Publisher: United Kingdom Polity Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 304.2081 DET-G] (1).

4279. Gender, Culture and Honour : gender audit of Punjab and Haryana

by Gill, Rajesh.

Publisher: New Delhi Rawat Publication 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.40954552 GIl-G] (1).

4280. Gendered Citizenship : understanding gendered violence in democratic India

by Behl, Natasha.

Edition: South Asia EditionPublisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 323.30954 BEH-G] (1).

4281. Geographies of difference : explorations in Northeast Indian studies / edited By Mélanie Vandenhelsken, Meenaxi Barkataki-Ruscheweyh, Bengt G. Karlsson

by Vandenhelsken, Melanie [editor.] | Barkataki-Ruscheweyh, Meenaxi [editor.] | Karlsson, Bengt G [editor.].

Edition: South Asia EditionPublisher: New York : Routledge, 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 304.20954 GEO-] (2).

4282. Globalisation, environment and social justice : perspectives, issues and concerns

by Verma, Manish K.

Publisher: New York Routledge 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.372 GLO-] (1).

4283. Digital library of Annotated bibliography of value added tax in indo

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0740] (2).

4284. Health of New Comers : Immigration, Health Policy and The Case for Global Solidarity

by Patricia, Illingworth | Wendy, Parmet, E.

Publisher: New York New York Univeristy Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 362.1086912 PAT-H] (1).

4285. Journeys in Social Work Education in India : Emerging Reflections

by Bhatt, Sanjai | Desai, Murli | Singh, R.R.

Publisher: New Delhi Rawat Publications 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 361.300710954 JOU-] (1).

4286. Workshop on future libraries : Advanced GSDL and RFID

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0744] (2).

4287. Legacy of Ambedkar Analysis and appraisal

by Lobo, Lancy | Kumar, Dhananjay.

Publisher: New Delhi Rawat Publications 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.54890954 LEG-] (1).

4288. International society for environmental epidemioloigy

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0746] (1).

4289. Mind and society : From Indian studies to general sociology

by Uberoi, J.P.S | Tyabji, Khalid.

Publisher: Delhi Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 301.0954 UBE-M] (1).

4290. Networks in contention The divisive politics of climate change

by Hadden, Jennifer.

Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 363.73874 HAD-N] (1).

4291. New Philosophy of Social Conflict : Mediating Collective Trauma and Transitional Justice

by Hawes, Leonard C.

Publisher: India Bloomsbury 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.6 HAW-N] (1).

4292. Place Matters : Criminology for The Twenty-First Century

by Weisburd, David et. al.

Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 364 WEI-P] (1).

4293. Politics of Belonging in Contemporary India Anxiety and intimacy

by Chakraborty, Kaustav.

Publisher: New York Routledge 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.5130954 POL-] (1).

4294. Population, Fertility and Family Planning : contraceptive method mix in Asian countries

by Kundu, Aditi | Das, Bhaswati.

Publisher: New Delhi Rawat Publications 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 304.6660951 KUN-P] (1).

4295. Energy statistics

Publisher: 2011Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0747] (1).

4296. energy statistics 2010

Publisher: 2010Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0748] (1).

4297. Road to rights : women, social security and protection in India

by Darooka, Priti.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.40954 ROA-] (1).

4298. Rural child welfare practice : stories from the field

by Riebschleger Joanne | Pierce J. Barbara.

Publisher: New York Oxford University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 362.7091734 RUR-] (1).

4299. Annual Survey of industries 1973-74 to 1997-98

Publisher: 2010Availability: No items available

4300. Annual Survey of industries 1973-74 to 1997-98

Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: MM0749] (1).

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