Your search returned 736 results. Subscribe to this search

501. Status survey of a people's science movement in India

by Kumar, Khagendra | Devendra Joshi and H.R.Kidwani.

Edition: Jamia Millia IsalmiaPublisher: New Delhi Jamia Millia Isalmia 1996Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TK.0381] (1).

502. Study of higher education in the state of Sikkim

by Bhutia, Yodida | Henia, A.

Publisher: North Eastern Hill University, Shillong 2005Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TB.0357] (1).

503. Suchna prodyogiki aur samajik sangthan: arthatantra, samaj aur sanskriti: ek samajshastriya adhyayan

by Rai, Neeraj Kumar | Pandey, P. N.

Publisher: Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 2007Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TR.0379] (1).

504. Technological advances and emerging societal implications: proceedings

by National Institute of Technology | Patnaik, Bhaswati | All India Council for Technical Education | National Conference on Technological Advances and Emerging Societal Implications.

Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.483 NAT-T] (1).

505. Tenancy- Resource use and productivity: a profile of the state of Orissa

by Dash, Sri Giridhar.

Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 1998Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RD.0201] (1). Items available for reference: [Call number: RD.0201] (1).

506. UGC sponsored state level interdisciplinay conference on regional perspectives in Maharashtra's development retrospect, challenges and prospects:proceedings

by Somaiya Vidyavihar's S.K. Somaiya College of Arts | Khadilkar, Sujata | Venkatesh, Parvathi | Conference on Regional Perspectives in Maharashtra's Development: Retrospect, Challenges and Prospects.

Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 338.90095479 CON-U] (1).

507. Utopia in English literature

by Misra, Sheo Kumar | Misra, S.P.

Publisher: University of Gorakhpur 1976Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TM.0333] (1).

508. Ventures in social interpretation

by Winthrop, Henry.

Publisher: New York Appleton-Century-Crofts 1968Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 301 WIN-;] (1).

509. Virtual transformation of the public sphere: papers

by Forum on Contemporary Theory | International Conference on the Virtual Transformation of the Public Sphere.

Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 302.23 INT-V] (1).

510. Water distribution system in the Indira Gandhi canal command area problem of time anuse relationship

by Shukla, Lakshmi | Gurjar, Ram Kumar.

Publisher: Jaipur Department of Geography Universtiy of Rajasthan 1989Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 333.913 SHU-;] (2).

511. Ways of Explaining Behavior :an attempt to evaluate theory of mind perspective in cultural context

by Babu, Nandita.

Publisher: Delhi, India Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RB.0276] (1).

512. Women administrators of India: a study of the socio-economic background and attitudes of women administrators of Rajasthan

by Chaturvedi, Geeta.

Publisher: Jaipur R.B.S.A. Publishers 1985Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 351.082 CHA-;] (1).

513. Women entrepreneurship in India : a sociological study

by Sharan, Raka.

Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 2003Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RS.0596] (2).

514. Women in policing

by Ghoshi, S.K.

Publisher: New Delhi Light & Life Publishers 1981Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 363.2082 GHO-W] (1).

515. Youth in transition: the challenges of generational change in Asia

by Gale, Fay | Fahey, Stephanie.

Publisher: Bangkok UNESCO 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.40835095 YOU-] (1).

516. Proceedings

by Abrol, Dinesh | Seminar on frontier technology in the third world.

Publisher: New Delhi National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS) 1986Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.483091724 PRO-S] (1).

517. Proceedings

by Symposium on the Development of the South-East Dry Zone (1992 : April 29-30 : Colombo) | Abrol, Dinesh | Seminar on frontier technology in the third world.

Publisher: Colombo Agrarian Research and Training Institute 1993Availability: No items available

518. Future politics : living together in a world transformed by tech

by Susskind, Jamie.

Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.483 SUS-F] (1).

519. In the wake of disaster : Islamists, the state and a social contract in Pakistan

by Siddiqi, Ayesha.

Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 363.3493095491 SID-I] (1).

520. India's State-Run Media : broadcasting, power and narrative

by Asthana, Sanjay.

Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 384.540954 AST-I] (1).

521. Maoist people's war and the revolution of everyday life in Nepal

by Zharkevich, Ina.

Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 954.96 ZHA-M] (1).

522. Third pillar : how markets and the state leave the community behind

by Rajan, Raghuram G.

Publisher: Noida HarperCollins Publishers 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.3 RAJ-R] (1).

523. Economic Growth with Social Justice : collected writings of mahbub ul haq

by Haq, Khadija.

Publisher: Delhi Oxford University Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 338.9 ECO] (1).

524. Revisiting gendered states : feminist imaginings of the state in international relations

by Parashar, Swati | Tickner ,J. Ann | True, Jacqui.

Publisher: New York, 2018 Oxford University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 327.1082 REV] (1).

525. Beeronomics : how beer explains the world oxford

by Swinnen, Johan | Briski, Devin.

Publisher: UK Oxford University Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 338.4766342 SWI-B] (1).

526. Analysis of arjun appadurai's modernity at large : cultural dimensions of globalisation

by Evrard, Amy Young.

Publisher: London Routledge 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306 EVR-A] (1).

527. Economic development : what everyone needs to know

by Giugale, Marcelo M.

Edition: 2nd. ed.Publisher: New York Oxford University Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 338.9 GIU-E] (1).

528. Analysis of michel foucault's the history of sexuality : vol.1: the will to knowledge

by Dini, Rachele Briganti, Chiara.

Publisher: London Routledge 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.7 DIN-A] (1).

529. Modern Motherhood and Women's Dual Identities : rewriting the Sexual Contract

by Bueskens, Petra.

Publisher: London Routledge 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.8743 BUS-M] (1).

530. Politics of big data : big data, big brother?

by Saetnan, Ann Rudinow | Schneider, Ingrid | Routledge, Green Nicola.

Publisher: London Routledge 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 174.90057 POL-] (1).

531. Auto-Industrialism : DIY capitalism and rise of the auto-industrial society

by Murphy, Peter.

Publisher: London Sage Publications 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 331.137042 MUR-A] (1).

532. How Markets Work and Fail, and What to Make of Them

by Nooteboom, Bart.

Publisher: Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publishing 2014Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 330.1 NOO-H] (1).

533. Productivity dynamics in emerging and industrialized countries

by Das, Deb Kusum.

Publisher: London Routledge 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 338.06 PRO-] (1).

534. Nationalism, Ethnicity and Boundaries : Conceptualising and understanding identity through boundary approaches

by Jackson, Jennifer | Liederman, Lina Molokotos.

Publisher: New York Routledge 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.54 NAT-] (1).

535. Analysis of Amartya Sen's - development as freedom

by Miletzki, Janna | Broten, Nick.

Publisher: London Routledge 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 338.9 MIL-A] (1).

536. Sustainability

by Thiele, Leslie Paul.

Edition: 2nd editionPublisher: Cambridge Policy Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 338.927 THI-S] (1).

537. Migration

by Samers, Michael | Collyer, Michale.

Edition: Second editionPublisher: London Routledge 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 304.8 SAM-M] (1).

538. Who rules the earth: how social rules shape our planet and our lives

by Steinberg, Paul F.

Publisher: New York Oxford University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 363.7 PAU-W] (1).

539. Place-based methods for researching schools

by Thomson, Pat | Hall, Christine.

Publisher: London Bloomsbury Academic 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 370.72 THO-P] (1).

540. Capital and the common good: how innovative finance is tackling the world's most urgent problems

by Keohane,Georgia Levenson.

Publisher: Columbia University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 174.4 KEO-C] (1).

541. Climate justice : integrating economics and philosophy

by Kanbur, Ravi | Shue, Henry.

Publisher: Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 363.7 CLI-] (1).

542. Everyday political economy of Southeast Asia

by Elias, Juanita | Rethel, Lena.

Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 330.959 EVE-] (1).

543. Children and television: classic edition

by Gunter, Barrie | Gunter, Jill.

Publisher: New York Routledge 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 302.2345083 GUN-C] (1).

544. People, power and profits : progressive capitalism for an age of discontent

by Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Publisher: London Penguin Random House 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 330.973 STI-P] (1).

545. Celebrity society : the struggle for attention

by Van Krieken, Robert.

Edition: 2nd EditionPublisher: London Routledge 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.4 VAN-C] (1).

546. Media and the global south : narrative territorialities, cross-cultural currents

by Iqani, Mehita | Resende, Fernando.

Publisher: London Routledge 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 302.23091724 MED-] (1).

547. What is inclusive research

by Nind,Melanie.

Publisher: Bloomsbury 2014Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 371.90721 NIN-W] (1).

548. Humanizing Science and Technology: some case studies

by Jauhari, Vinnie | Wasan, Parul.

Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2014Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 923.254 JAU-H; v.5] (1).

549. Agrarian transformation in Western India : economic gains and social costs

by Mohanty, B.B.

Edition: South Asia EditionPublisher: New Delhi Routledge 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 630.9547 MOH-A] (1).

550. Water histories of South Asia : the materiality of liquescence

by Ray, Sugata | Venugopal, Maddipati.

Edition: South Asia EditionPublisher: New York Routledge 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 333.9100954 WAT-] (1).

551. In-your-face Politics : the consequences of uncivil media

by Mutz, Diana C.

Publisher: United States of America Princeton University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 324.730973 MUT-I] (1).

552. Digital condition

by Stalder, Felix.

Publisher: Berlin Polity Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 302.231 STA-D] (1).

553. We are data Algorithms and the making of our digital selves

by John Cheney-Lippold.

Publisher: New York Sage Publications 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 302.231 JOH-W] (1).

554. Culture of surveillance : watching as a way of life

by Lyon, David.

Publisher: United Kingdom Polity Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.4833 LYO-C] (1).

555. Digital Sociology : the reinvention of social research

by Marres, Noortje.

Publisher: United Kingdom Polity Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 301.01 MAR-D] (1).

556. Disasters : a sociological approach

by Tierney, Kathleen.

Publisher: United Kingdom Polity Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 363.341 TIE-D] (1).

557. Gender and the Environment

by Detraz, Nicole.

Publisher: United Kingdom Polity Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 304.2081 DET-G] (1).

558. Globalisation, environment and social justice : perspectives, issues and concerns

by Verma, Manish K.

Publisher: New York Routledge 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.372 GLO-] (1).

559. Networks in contention The divisive politics of climate change

by Hadden, Jennifer.

Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 363.73874 HAD-N] (1).

560. Building a resilient tomorrow: how to prepare for the coming climate disruption

by Hill, Alice C | Martinez-Diaz, Leonardo.

Publisher: Oxford University Press 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 363.738 HIL-B] (1).

561. Education and Society :Themes, perspectives, practices

by Thapan, Meenakshi | Triloki, N Madan.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.430954 EDU-] (1).

562. Information Technology Law : the law & society

by Murray, Andrew.

Publisher: United Kingdom Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 343.4109944 MUR-I] (1).

563. Masculinity,Sexuality, And Illegal Migration : Human Smuggling from pakistan to Europe

by Ahmad, Ali Nobil.

Publisher: Pakistan Oxford University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 364.1370549104 AHM-M] (1).

564. Conflict in the shared household : domestic violence and the law in India

by Jaising, Indira | Anurag, Mathur Pinki.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 345.5402555 CON-] (1).

565. Kudankulam : the story of an Indo-Russian nuclear power plant

by Kaur, Raminder.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 333.7924095482 KAU-K] (1).

566. Oxford Handbook of Public Choice

by Congleton, Roger D | Grofman, B.N | Voigt, S.

Publisher: USA Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 302.13 OXF; Vol 1] (2).

567. Global Inequality :A New Approach For The Age Of Globalization

by Milanovic, Branko.

Publisher: Cambridge The Belknap Press Of Harvard University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.09 MIL-G] (1).

568. Madness and Subjectivity : A Cross Cultural Examination of Psychosis in the West and India

by Dhar, Ayurdhi.

Edition: first editionPublisher: New York Routledge taylor & francis group 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 616.89 DHA-M] (1).

569. Global economic crisis and migration

by Roos, Christof | Zaun, Natascha.

Edition: 1st Ed.Publisher: New York Routledge taylor & francis group London and New york 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 304.809051 GLO-] (1).

570. Cyberpsychology and Society : Current Perspectives

by Power, Andrew.

Publisher: New York Routledge Taylor & Francis Group Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 302.231 CYB-] (1).

571. Social change in a material world

by Schatzki, Theodore R.

Publisher: New York Routledge taylor & francis group london and new york 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.4 SCH-S] (1).

572. Money : a theory of modern society

by Stehr, Nico | Voss, Dustin.

Publisher: New York Routledge taylor & francis group London and New York 2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 332.49 STE-M] (1).

573. Gender, Work and Migration : Agency in Genderd Labour Settings

by Amrith, Megha (ed.) | Saharaoui, Nina (ed.).

Publisher: New York Routledge Taylor & Francis Group London and New York 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 331.408691 GEN-] (1).

574. Aging in the Family

by Dickinson, George E | Sanders, Brenda S.

Publisher: New York Routledge taylor & francis group London and New York 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.26 DIC-A] (1).

575. Politics of Social Psychology

by Crawford, Jarret T | Jussim, Lee.

Publisher: New York Routledge taylor & francis group 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 302 POL-] (1).

576. From Obscurity To Clarity In Psychometric Testing : Selected Works of Professor Peter Saville

by Saville, Peter | Hopton, Tom.

Publisher: New York Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 150.15195 SAV-F] (1).

577. Gender , Branding, and the Modern Music Industry : The Social Construction of Female Popular Music Stars

by Lieb, Kristin J.

Edition: 2ndPublisher: New York Routledge taylor & francis group London and New York 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 781.64082 LIE-G] (1).

578. Law and Society

by Vago, Steven | Nelson, Adie | Barkan, Steven E | Nelson, Veronica.

Edition: Fifth Canadian EditionPublisher: New York Routledge Taylor & Francis Group New York and London 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 340.115 VAG-L] (1).

579. Exploring Social Inequality In The 21st Century : New Approaches,New Tools,and Policy Opportunities

by Jarman, Jennifer | Lambert, Paul.

Publisher: New York Routledge Taylor & Francis Group London and New York 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305 EXP-] (1).

580. Future Courses of Human Societies : Critical Reflections From the Natural and Social Sciences

by Ghimre, Kleber.

Publisher: New York Routledge Taylor & Francis Group New York and London 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.483 FUT-] (1).

581. Making a Living, Making a Life : Work, Meaning and Self-Identity

by James, Sara.

Publisher: New York Routledge Taylor & Francis Group New York and London 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.36 JAM-M] (1).

582. Good Life Beyond Growth : New Perspectives

by Rosa, Hartmut | Henning, Christoph.

Publisher: New York Routledge Taylor & Francis Group London and New York 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 301 GOO-] (1).

583. Higher Education and Social Inequalities : University Admissions, Experiences, and Outcomes

by Waller, Richard | Ingram, Nicola | Ward, Michael R. M.

Publisher: Routledge taylor & francis group 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 378.00941 HIG-] (1).

584. Ecological Governance :Reappraising Law's Role in Protecting Ecosystem Functionality

by Woolley, Olivia.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 344.046 WOO-E] (1).

585. Fighting Fair : Legal Ethics for an Adversarial Age

by Hutchinson, Allan C.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 174.3 HUT-F] (1).

586. Property Law and social Morality

by Gerhart , Peter M.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 346.04 GER-P] (1).

587. Social And Political Foundations Of Constitutions

by Galligan, Denis J | Versteeg, Mila.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 342.02 SOC-] (1).

588. Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights : Past, Present and Future

by Langford, Malcolm | Sumner, Andy | Yamin, Alicia Ely.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 323 MIL-] (1).

589. Emotion :A Biosocial Synthesis

by Buck, Ross.

Publisher: United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press , 2016Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 152.4 BUC-E] (1).

590. Does Immigration Increase Crime? : Migration Policy and the creation of the criminal immigrant

by Fasani, Francesco | Mastrobuoni, Giovanni | Owens, Emily Greene | Pinotti, Paolo.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 364.25 FAS-D] (1).

591. Hidden Rules of Race : Barriers to an inclusive economy

by Flynn, Andrea | Holmberg, Susan R | Warren, Dorian Tod | Wong, Felicia J.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 330.97300899 FLY-H] (1).

592. Revitalising lagging Regions : smart specialisation and industry 4.0

by Barzotto, Mariachiara | Corradini, Carlo | Fai, Felicia M | Labory, Sandrine | Tomlinson, Philip R.

Publisher: Routledge 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 330.94005 BER-R] (1).

593. Media : Society and culture


Publisher: Delhi Isha Books 2006Availability: No items available

594. Law and Society Some Reflections


Publisher: Delhi Indian Social Institute 2006Availability: No items available

595. Language and nation in folk and corporate cultures : a study of the communication of the select Business executives in the national capital region of India and the common folks (Masses) in different parts of North India / Ravindra Pratap Singh

by Singh, Ravindra Pratap.

Publisher: New Delhi : Indian Council of Social Science Research, 2013Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RS.0792] (1).

596. युवाओं के व्यवहार एवं सामाजिक जीवन पर सोशल मीडिया का प्रभाव / पूनम

by पूनम.

Publisher: नई दिल्ली : भारतीय सामाजिक विज्ञान अनुसंधान परिषद, 2017Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RP.0320] (1).

597. छात्रों पर सोशल मीडिया का बढ़ता प्रभाव : एक आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन / ओम सिंह

by सिंह, ओम.

Publisher: नई दिल्ली : भारतीय सामाजिक विज्ञान अनुसंधान परिषद, Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RS.0806] (1).

598. मजदूरों में मादक द्रव्यों का बढ़ता प्रयोग : सामाजिक एवं आर्थिक समस्या के रूप में एक विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन / बृजेन्द्र सिंह बौद्ध

by बौद्ध, बृजेन्द्र सिंह.

Publisher: नई दिल्ली : भारतीय सामाजिक विज्ञान अनुसंधान परिषद, 2018Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RB.0294] (1).

599. The role of social support and pain locus of control on negative affectivity, social inhibition and health related quality of life of chronic low back pain patients / Anand Kumar Srivastava

by Srivastava, Anand Kumar.

Publisher: New Delhi : Indian Council oF Social Science Research, 2016Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RS.0867] (1).

600. Effect of social cause advertisements in Tiruchirappalli district of Tamilnadu / G. Muruganantham

by Muruganantham, G.

Publisher: New Delhi : Indian Council of Social Science Research, Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RM.0395] (1).

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