Task structures and management processes in human services organization
by Murdia, Ratna | Dubey, S.N. Publisher: Tata Institute of Social Sciences 1978Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TM.0330]
Technical efficiency in modern small industry in India
by Ramaswamy, K.V | Krishna, K.L | Sastry, D.U. Publisher: University of Delhi 1990Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TR.0204]
Testing the applicability of porter's generic competitive strategies for shopping malls: a case study of The Great India Place (TGIP) shopping mall, Noida (UP)
by Tandon, Sanjeev | Soral, G. Publisher: Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur 2011Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TT.0185]
Testing the efficiency of Indian capital market with respect to information content events : a study in banking industry
by Selvam, M | Bhartidasan University, Tamil Nadu. Publisher: New Delhi Indian Council of Social Science Research 2011Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RS 0680]
Thana prabandhan: thane par nav niyukti ke samay kiye jaane wale kaarye
by Rai, Haakim. Publisher: New Delhi Police Anusandhan Avam Vikas Bureau 2009Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 363.220954 RAY-T]
Theory and practice of board level participation with special reference to nationalised banks and major ports in India
by Sastry, G.B. Ramakrishna | Laxmi Narain. Publisher: Osmania University 1987Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS.0029]
Top management organisation in multi-unit public enterprises :
by Narain, Laxmi | Osmania University, Hyderabad. Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi 1973Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RN.0048]
Training of personnel in co-operative sector : A critical study
by Kamra, Pawan K | Panjab University, Public Administration Department (C.S.). Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi 0Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RK.0187]
Transformational leadership for change management in information centres in India: a study of transformation leadership in Indian libraries
by Singh, Dharm Veer | Koganuramath, Muttayya | Sharma, Chandra Shekhar. Publisher: Singhania University, Rajasthan 2011Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS 1079]
Understanding the state and civil society response to disasters: a case study of Bhuj
by Sanjeev Kumar | Acharya, Ashok. Publisher: University of Delhi, Delhi 2010Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS.1026]
Unisist: synopsis of the feasibility study on a World science information system
by Unesco | Unesco. Publisher: Paris Unesco 1971Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 026 UNE;]
Upward communication within the managerial hierarchy : A case study of a public sector enterprise
by Prasad, L | Shah, A.K. Publisher: Banaras Hindu University 1975Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TP.0268]
Urban enviromental management: a case experience of solid waste management in Tiruchirappalli Corporation, Tamil Nadu
by Sherfudeen, Norjahan | Ravichandran, M. Publisher: Bhartathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 2010Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS.1059]
Urban environmental management: a case experience of solid waste management in Tiruchirappalli corporation, Tamil Nadu
by Sherfudeen, Noorjahan | Ravichandran, M. Publisher: Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 2010Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS.1073]
Use of information systems for credit management decisions in banking industry : An empirical study
by Sharma, Susan | Kanungo, Shivraj | Jain, P.K. Publisher: Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 1998Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS.0905]
Value education in schools and other essays
by Justa, H.R | Mascarenhas, M. Publisher: Delhi Konark Publishers 1989Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 371.4 VAL;]
Viability of online management education system in Indian universities: a model building approach
by Mehrotra, Manoj | Roy, H.J. Ghosh. Publisher: Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak 2005Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TM.0485]
Voyage allocation and fuelling decisions in shipping
by Ramesh, V.N | Saha, J. Publisher: dian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad 1980Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TR.0231]
Water Management, doing it together: restoration of irrigation systems
by Maitra, Mihir | Satyanarayana, M. Publisher: New Delhi India-Canada Environment Facility 2007Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 333.913 MAI-W]
Water scarcity: a result of non-economic pricing and inefficient management - a case study of Nagpur city :
by Ghate, Rucha. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RG 0189]
Watershed development and drought - prone areas: with special reference to Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh
by Sankara, U | Ramappa, P. Publisher: Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur 2007Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS.0993]
Watershed developments in Aravalli region Alwar district : Issues in impact assessment on society and environment and policy planning for sustainable future
by Saiwal, Sneh. Publisher: New Delhi Indian Council of Social Science Research 2011Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RS 0674]
Watershed management in Madhya Pradesh: a governmental and non-governmental perspectivez :
by Gautam, Manu | Madhya Pradesh Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 2006Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RG 0186]
Women in management: : a study of women representation at management levels in Mumbai
by Guha, Samapti. Publisher: New Delhi Indian Council of Social Science Research 2014Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RG 0196]
Women police in India : A study in personnel management
by Ravinder Kaur | Aleem, Shamim. Publisher: Osmania University 1989Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TR.0224]
Women teachers in South Asia
by Nayar, Usha | Shukla, S. Publisher: Jamia Millia Islamia 1983Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TN.0091]
Women's role in peace building and conflict resolution in contemporary Manipur : H. Sudhirkumar Singh
by Singh, H.Sudhirkumar. Publisher: Manipur Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 2015Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RS.0762]
Workers' participation and industrial democracy : A sociological study of the workers in printing press industry in Lucknow
by Shukla, Amaresh Chandra | Mehrotra, G.N. Publisher: University of Lucknow 1975Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TS.0180]
Work-family stress among working women : A person-environment fit approach
by Tewari, H.R | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi 1998Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RT.0075]
(1). Items available for reference:
[Call number: RT.0075]
Working capital management in the engineering industry
by Vaidya, P.H | Limaye, M.D. Publisher: University of Bombay 1976Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TV.0116]
Governance of Risk, Hazards and Disasters trends in theory and practice
by Ilan Kelman. Publisher: London Routledge 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 363.342 GOV-]
Metadata for Information Management and Retrieval understanding metadata and its use David Haynes
by Haynes,David. Edition: 2nd.edPublisher: London Facet Publishing 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.316 DAV-M]
Irrigated agriculture: a case study of West Bengal
by Chatterjee, Nandini. Publisher: New Delhi Rawat Publications 1995Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 631.587 CHA-;]
Management and Social Science Research: an institutional experience
by Mishra, R.K | Dubey, Anupama | Srikanth, V. Publisher: New Delhi Academic Foundation 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.11490723 MAN-]
Annotated Bibliography on State Owned Enterprises/public Enterprises
by Mishra, R.K | Trivikram, K. Publisher: New Delhi Academic Foundation 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.749016 ANN-; Vol 1]
In the wake of disaster : Islamists, the state and a social contract in Pakistan
by Siddiqi, Ayesha. Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 363.3493095491 SID-I]
Ownership structure, related-party transactions and firm valuation : evidence from Indian business groups
by Khosa, Amrinder | Ahmed, Kamran | Henry, Darren. Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.4 KHO-O]
तनाव एवं कार्य : तनाव को समझने एवं प्रवंदन सम्बंदि दृष्टिकोण
by पेस्टनजी, एम | Pestonjee, M | पाण्डेय,सतीश | Pandey, Satish. Publisher: नई दिल्ली सेज भाषा 2018Other title: Tanav evam Karya: Tanav ko samajne evam pravandan sambandi drishtikon.Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 158.72 TAN]
Understanding nepal in contemporary times
by Jaiswal,Pramod. Publisher: New Delhi Synergy Books India, 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 320.95496 UND-]
Electronic resource management in libraries : trends, issues and challenges
by Gunjal, Bhojaraju. Publisher: New Delhi Ess Ess Publications 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.284 ELE-]
Indian Agriculture : Performance, Growth and Challenges
by Kumar, Parmod | Mohanakumar, S. Publisher: London Routledge 2016Other title: : Essays in honour of Ramesh Kumar Sharma and S. Mohannakumar.Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.160954 IND-]
Sustainable Operations in India
by Chakraborty, Ayon | Gouda, Shirish Kumar | Gajanand, M.S. Publisher: Singapore Springer 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.5 SUS-]
Managing Portfolio Credit Risk in Banks
by Bandyopadhyay, Arindam. Publisher: New Delhi Cambridge University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 332.10681 BAN-M]
Indian business : notions ans practices of responsibility
by Jammulamadaka, Nimruji. Publisher: London Routledge 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.400954 JAM-I]
International Intervention Identity and Conflict Transformation : bridges and wal between groups
by Spitka, Timea. Publisher: New York Routledge 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.117 SPI-I]
Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Valuation, Institution and Policy in South East Asia
by Olewiler, Nancy | Francisco, Herminia A | Ferrer, Alice Joan G. Publisher: Singapore Springers 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 577.70959 MAR-]
Developing sustainable careers across the lifespan :European Social Fund Network on Career and AGE (age, generations, experience)
by De Vos, Ans Dujardin, Jean-Marie Gielens, Tim Meyers, Caroline. Publisher: Cham Springer 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 158.7 VOS-D]
Digital Archives : management, use and access
by Dobreva, Milena. Publisher: London Facet Publishing 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.84 DIG-]
Applied geoinformatics for sustainable integrated land and water resources management (ILWRM) in Brahmaputra river basin : Results from the EC-projects Brahmatwinn
by Sharma, Nayan | Flugel, Wolfgang-Albert. Publisher: New Delhi Springers 2015Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 910.285 APP-]
Community Management of Rural Water Supply : case studies of success from India
by Hutchings, Paul. Publisher: London Routledge 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 363.61068 HUT-C]
Towards Coastal Resiliences and Sustainability
by Heidkamp, C. Patrick | Morrissey, John. Publisher: London Routledge 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 333.917 TOW-]
Disaster relief and the RSS : resurrecting religion through humanitarianism
by Bhattacharjee, Malini. Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 363.348 BHA-D]
Happiness at work : mindfulness, analysis and well-being
by Anand, R. Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 650.1 ANA-H]
Journal of human values.
by Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta. Management Centre for Human Values [issuing body.]. Publisher: New Delhi ; Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications Online access: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/JHV Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Indian Business Notions and Practices of Responsibility
by Jammulamadaka, Nimruji. Publisher: New York Routledge 2018Availability: No items available
Sovereignty, space and civil war in Sri Lanka : porous nation
by Pieris, Anoma. Publisher: London Routledge 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 954.93032 PIE-S]
Metropolitan planning
by Munsuri, Shahida. Publisher: New Delhi Ishwar Books 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 307.764 MUN-M]
Educational leadership for a more sustainable world
by Bottery,Mike. Publisher: London Bloomsbury Academic 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 371.2 BOT-E]
Parents and teachers working together : addressing school's most vital stakeholders
by Novick,Brett J. Publisher: Lanham Rowman & Littlefield 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 371.192 NOV-P]
Change : what really leads to lasting personal transformation
by Kottler, Jeffrey A. Publisher: New York Oxford University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 155.25 KOT-C]
Indian business : understanding a rapidly emerging economy
by Budhwar, Pawan S | Varma, Arup | Kumar, Rajesh. Publisher: New York Routledge 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.0954 IND-]
Trusting enemies : interpersonal relationships in international conflict
by Wheeler, Nicholas J. Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327 WHE-T]
Conflict Resolution and Peace Building: the Gandhian way
by Misra, R.P | Gopal, D. Publisher: Concept Publishing 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 923.254 CON; v.9]
स्वतंत्रता के लिए परिधान : गाँधी के स्वदेशी आंदोलन का संप्रेषण विश्लेषण
by गोंसाल्विस,पीटर Peter Gonsalves. Publisher: New Delhi Sage bhasha 2018Other title: Swatantrata Ke Liye Paridhan : Gandhi ke Swadeshi Andolan ka Sampreshan Vishleshan.Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 954.0356 GON-C]
Corporate Social Responsibility the changing perspectives
by Mishra, R.K | Sarkar, Shulagna | Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad. Publisher: New Delhi Academic Foundation 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.47 CSR-]
Networked regionalism as conflict management
by Ohanyan, Anna. Publisher: California Stanford University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 341.24 OHA-N]
Are you prepared for a disaster? Mitigation and management of disasters
by Sibal, Rajni Sekhri. Publisher: India Bloomsbury 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 363.3480954 SIB-A]
Forest Governance and Sustainable Resource Management
by Khan, Irshad A. Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 634.920954 KHA-F]
Gender and the Environment
by Detraz, Nicole. Publisher: United Kingdom Polity Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 304.2081 DET-G]
Geomatics in Natural Disasters
by Kumanan C.J | Ramasamy; SM | Muthukumar M. Publisher: New Delhi Rawat Publications 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 904.50954 GEO-]
Water on Earth : The Story of Its Origin, Habitats, Neglect and Regeneration
by Mathur, Shruti | Kumar, Rajendra. Publisher: New Delhi Rawat Publications 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 333.91 MAT-W]
Building a resilient tomorrow: how to prepare for the coming climate disruption
by Hill, Alice C | Martinez-Diaz, Leonardo. Publisher: Oxford University Press 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 363.738 HIL-B]
Oxford dictionary of agriculture and land management
by Manley, Will | Foot, Katharine | Davis, Andrew Davis. Publisher: Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 630.3 MAN-O]
Man-Elephant Conflict : A Case Study from Forests in West Bengal, India
by Das Chatterjee, Nilanjana. Publisher: Berlin, Germany Springer International Publishing 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 333.7 MAN-]
CSR Hazardous Sector: The Indian Scenario
by Mishra, R. K | Sarkar, Shulagna | Kiranmai, J. Publisher: New Delhi Academic Foundation 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 363.7380954 MIS-C]
Serial Review Publisher: United kingdom Routledge Taylor and Francis Group Availability: No items available
Problems and Prospects of Disaster Management In Himachal Pradesh : A Decadal Perspective (2003-2012)
by Kumar, Vinod. Publisher: Himachal Pradesh Mandi Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RK.0251]
INDIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION M.P Singh Publisher: India Availability: No items available
Management Research In India
by Mishra, R.K | Villivalam, Srikanth | Sarkar, Shulagna. Publisher: New Delhi Academic Foundation 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 650.0954 MAN]
Leadership Management Problems and Prospects
by Jain, Vipin. Publisher: New Delhi S.K Book Agency 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.4092 JAI-L]
International journal of rural management. Publisher: New Delhi, India ; Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, 2005-Other title: IJRM | Rural management.Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: 307.1412]
Industrial And Organizational Psychology Research And Practice
by Spector, Paul E. Publisher: New Delhi Wiley India 2012Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 158.7 SPE-I]
Life in the Himalaya :An Ecosystem at Risk
by Pandit, Maharaj K. Publisher: Cambridge Harvard University Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 333.72095496 PAN-L]
Disaster planning for special libraries:
by Robertson, Guy. Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.82 ROB-D]
Role of the Electronic Resources Librarian
by Stachokes, Geroge. Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 025.344 STA-T]
Successes and Failures of Knowledge Management
by Jay, Liebowitz. Edition: 1st Ed.Publisher: Cambridge Morgan Kaufmann 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.4038 JAY-S]
21st Century Academic Library: Global Patterns of Organization and Discourse
by Bolin,Mary K. Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.7 BOL-T]
Staff-Less Libraries:Innovative Staff Design
by Johannesen, Carl Gustav. Publisher: Cambridge Chandos Publishing 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 027.4 JOH-S]
Developing Management Proficiency : A Self-Directed Learning Approach
by Cohen,Deb. Publisher: New York Routledge Taylor & Francis Group London and New York 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.407124 COH-D]
Geopolitics of the Knowledge- Based Economy
by Moisio, Sami. Publisher: New York Routledge Taylor & Francis Group London and New York 2018Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 303.4833 MOI-G]
(IL)Logical Knowledge Management : A Guide to Knowledge Management in the 21st Century
by Schertzer, Beverly Weed. Publisher: United Kingdom Emerald Publishing Limited 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.4038 SCH-I]
Knowledge Management for Leadership and Communication : AI, Innovation and the Digital Economy
by Johannessen, Jon-Arild. Publisher: United Kingdom Emerald Publishing Limited 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.4092 JOH-K]
Knowledge Management Philosophy : Communication as a Strategic Asset in Knowledge Management
by Johannessen, Jon-Arild. Publisher: United Kingdom Emerald Publishing Limited 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.4038 JOH-K]
Translating Knowledge Management Visions into Strategies
by Ceruti, Monique | Williams, Angel | Bedford, Denise. Publisher: United Kingdom Emerald Publishing Limited 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.4038 CER-T]
Critical Capabilities and Competencies for Knowledge Organisation
by Garcia-Perez, Alexis (et. al). Publisher: United Kingdom Emerald Publishing Limited 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.4038 GAR-C]
Knowledge Economies and Knowledge Work
by Lafayette, Bill (et. all). Publisher: United Kingdom Emerald Publishing Limited 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.4063 LAF-K]
Millitary's Business : Designing Military Power For the Future
by Rasmussen, Mikkel Vedby. Publisher: United Kingdom Cambridge University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 355.020973 RAS-M]
Co-Engeneering and Participatory Water Management Organisational Challenges for Water Governance
by Daniell, Katherine A. Publisher: United Kingdom Cambridge University Press 2017Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 628.1 DAN-C]
Problems with Teamwork, And How to solve them
by Lantz, Annika | Friedrich, Peter | Ulber, Daniela. Publisher: Routledge 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 658.4022 LAN-P]
Transforming Information Security : Optimizing Five Concurrent Trends to Reduce Resource Drain
by Moriarty, Kathleen M. Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 005.8 MOR-T]