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1. Commodity tax performance: a study in the context of fiscal federalism

by Sebastian, Jose.

Publisher: Calcutta Sujan Publications 1994Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 336.3095483 SEB-;] (1).

2. Class formation among the Mogs of Tripura

by Dasgupta, Malabika.

Publisher: Calcutta Sujan Publications 1997Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.800954 DAS-;] (2).

3. Exploitation and deprivation :a socio-legal study on inter-state migrant workmen

by Panda, Damodar.

Publisher: Calcutta Sujan Publications 1997Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 331.127954 PAN-;] (2).

4. Indian non-alignment and national interest: from Jawaharlal Nehru to Indira Gandhi

by Datta, Alok.

Publisher: Kolkata Sujan Publications 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 327.54 DAT-I] (2).

5. Sino-Indian equation in the changing world scenario

by Datta, Alok.

Publisher: Kolkata Sujan Publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 382.09540951 DAT-S] (2).

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