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A study on the autonomous district council in Manipur hills / Samson S. Chiru

By: Chiru, Samson S.
Publisher: New Delhi : ICSSR, 2014Description: 174p.Subject(s): District council -- Manipur, India | Autonomous district -- Northeast IndiaDDC classification: RC.0166 Summary: According to this study the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India is a unique and rare relook at the topic of uniformity of the administrative mechanism. It is noted that the state of Manipur with its own state legislation preceded by the parliamentary enactment in 1971 for the same, was re-enacted by the legislative house after the state achieved statehood status in 1972. The grant of Autonomous District Council to Manipur Hills was pre-statehood and debated to be meant for that time and not for full-fledged statehood and implication of ADCunder Sixth Schedule. When empowerment through the devolution ofpowers and functions are addressed by way of legislative piece, it must ensure the dueconsideration of power in the form of 'fund' tlow on par with the other four states (ADCs) including Darjeeling Gorkha Territorial Council and Bodo Territorial Councils. Manipur Hills lack behind in all respects.
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Research Reports Research Reports NASSDOC Library
Post Doctoral Research Fellowship Reports RC.0166 (Browse shelf) Not For Loan 52346

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According to this study the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India is a unique and rare relook at the topic of uniformity of the administrative mechanism. It is noted that the state of Manipur with its own state legislation preceded by the parliamentary enactment in 1971 for the same, was re-enacted by the legislative house after the state achieved statehood status in 1972. The grant of Autonomous District Council to Manipur Hills was pre-statehood and debated to be meant for that time and not for full-fledged statehood and implication of ADCunder Sixth Schedule. When empowerment through the devolution ofpowers and functions are addressed by way of legislative piece, it must ensure the dueconsideration of power in the form of 'fund' tlow on par with the other four states (ADCs) including Darjeeling Gorkha Territorial Council and Bodo Territorial Councils. Manipur Hills lack behind in all respects.

Indian Council of Social Science Research.


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