Agricultural manpower and economic development: with special case study of Madhy
by Ratnawat, B.P. Publisher: Bombay Popular Prakashan 1975Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.125163 RAT-;]
Developmental migration: a processual analysis of inter-state rural -rural migration
by Raju, B.R.K. Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 1987Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.5440954 RAJ-;]
Study of agricultural wage labour circulation in relation to poverty and inequality in Bolpur-Sriniketan block of Birbhum district
by Chatterjee, Surendra Nath | Mukherji, Shekhar. Edition: Visva-Bharati UniverPublisher: Visva-Bharati University 1986Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TC.0037]
Taming the coolie beast:plantation society and the colonial order in Southeast Asia
by Breman, Jan. Publisher: Delhi Oxford University Press 1989Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.763 BRE-;]
Caste and class: social stratification in Assam
by Bhadra, Ranajit K. Publisher: Delhi Hindustan Publishing 1991Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 305.51220954 BHA-C]
Employment potential of Agro-industires
by Myer, R.M. Publisher: Bombay Himalaya Publishing 1990Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.2043 MYE-;]
Agricultural growth and equity: a micro-level experience
by Shah, C.H | Shah, Vimal | Iyengar, Sudarshan. Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 1991Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.18095475 SHA-;]
Land productivity and employment in Indian agriculture:a case study of Meerut region
by Mahipal. Publisher: New Delhi Mittal Publications 1992Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.1609542 MAH-;]
Women's participation in India agricultulture
by Unni, Jeemol. Publisher: New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1992Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.48163 UNN-;]
Agricultural development and employment patterns in India: comparative analysis of Punjab and Bihar
by Khurana, M.R. Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 1992Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.2043 KHU-;]
Alien concepts and south Asian reality: responses and reformulations
by Oommen, T.K. Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 1995Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.763 OOM-;]
Capital accumulation and women's labour in Asian economies
by Custers, Peter. Publisher: New Delhi Vistaar Publications 1997Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.4095 CUS-;]
Radicalism and violence in agrarian structure: the Maoist movement in Bihar
by Prasad, B.N. Publisher: New Delhi Manak Publications 2002Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 303.6095412 PRA-R]
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Problems of agricultural labour
by Golak, Bihari Nath. Publisher: New Delhi Classical Publishing 1998Availability: Items available for loan:
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Caste and the agrarian structure: a study of Chingleput District, Tamil Nadu, South India
by Sundari, T.K. Publisher: New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1991Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 305.5095482 SUN-;]
Non-agricultural employment in rural India : the case of Gujarat
by Parthasarathy, R | Basant, Rakesh | Kumar, B.L. Publisher: Jaipur Rawat Publications 1998Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 307.1412 BAS-;]
Peasant movements in post - colonial India: dynamics of mobilization and identity
by Singharoy, Debal K. Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 305.56330954 SIN-P]
Footloose labour: working in India's informal economy
by Breman, Jan. Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1996Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.5440954 BRE-F SL1]
Palane se kabar tak = Farm labor; Farm workers: grameen paridrashya me krishi m
by Singh, Ajai Kumar. Publisher: New Delhi Classical Publishing 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 305.5630954 SIN-P]
Ergonomics of carrying loads by women in hills: for drudgery reduction, safety a
by Dhyani, Vijay Shree | Thakur, T.C | Sharma, Promila. Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2013Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.481 DHY-;]
Bihar economic journal conference volume 2003
by Sharma, R.D | Economic Association of Bihar. Publisher: Patna The author 2003Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 330.05 BIH- SL1]
Changing profile of rural India and human rights of agrarian poor: aan assessment of strategy of rural development since independence
by Desai, A.R. Publisher: Chandigarh Centre for Research in Rural and Industr 1990Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 307.14120954 DES-C]
Effect of globalization to the landless agricultural labourers in the state of Tamil Nadu
by Sundara Raj, P. Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 2016Availability: Items available for reference: (1).
Employment, growth and poverty reduction in rural India
by Kak, Shakti. Publisher: New Delhi Indian Council of Social Science Research 2004Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RK.0196 SL1]
Extent of child labour in agriculture and its impact on personality development/ Vithalrao S. Yadav
by Yadav, Vithalrao S | University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. Publisher: Dharwad, Karnataka Indian Council of Social Science Reaeasrch, New Delhi 2004Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RY.0011]
Indian agriculture : four decades of development
by Bhalla, G.S | Singh , Gurmail. Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2001Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 630.954 BHA-;]
Migration: a spatial perspective
by Mehta, Swarnjit. Publisher: Jaipur Rawat Publications 1990Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.544095456 MEH-;]
Peasant agriculture in Assam: a structural analysis
by Das, Manamohan. Publisher: New Delhi Inter-India Publications 1984Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.763 DAS-;]
Role and problems of female labour in agriculture: a field study in the hill region of Uttar Pradesh
by Garia, Pratap Singh | Singh, Ajit Kumar. Publisher: Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow Kanpur University, Kanpur 1994Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: TG.0330]
Agrarian structure and peasant movements in colonial and post-independence India :An annotated bibliography
by Ghosh, Arun. Publisher: New Delhi K. P. Bagchi 1990Availability: No items available
Agrarian structure and peasant movements in colonial and post-independence India :An annotated bibliography
by Ghosh, Arun. Publisher: Calcutta K.P. Bagchi 1990Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 016.331043 AGA;]
Dynamics of Labour Use and Role of Genetically Modified Crops in Cotton Cultivation
by Mehta, Niti. Publisher: New Delhi Academic Foundation 2019Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 633.510954 MEH-D]
A study of agricultural workers in Marathwada region with special reference to marginalised social groups / Sunil S. Narwade
by Narwade, Sunil S. Publisher: New Delhi : Indian Council of Social Science Research, 2017Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RN.0119]
Socio-economic dimensions of farmers and agricultural labourers suicides in Punjab / Sarbjeet Singh
by Singh, Sarbjeet. Publisher: New Delhi : Indian Council oF Social Science Research, 2018Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RS.0861]
Agricultural labour displacement : its immensity and impact on the agrarian economy of Tamil Nadu / C. Prabakar
by Prabakar, C. Publisher: New Delhi : Indian Council oF Social Science Research, 2017Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RP.0347]
A socio-psychological study on seasonal migration of tribal and non-tribal labourers in Jharkhand / Renu Dewan
by Dewan, Renu. Publisher: New Delhi : Indian Council of Social Science Research, 2014Availability: Items available for reference:
[Call number: RD.0275]
Agrarian distress and farmer suicides in North India / Lakhwinder Singh, Kesar Singh Bhangoo, Rakesh Sharma.
by Singh, Lakhwinder [Author] | Bhangoo, Kesar Singh [author.] | Sharma, Rakesh [author.]. Edition: Second edition.Publisher: New York : Routledge , 2020Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 362.280886309541 SIN-A]