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1. Action research try-out programme for lesson-units deve- loped for two strands work efficiency and small-scale management during the first year (1973-74) of Phase 1 as part of Niti-oet

by Mehan, K.K | National Institute for Training in Industrial Engineering, Bombay.

Publisher: Maharashtra (Government) AND Ford Foundation, New Delhi 1974Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RM.0140] (1).

2. Financial management in small industries with special reference to Sagar Division (in Hindi)

by Thakur, Vijai Singh | Goswami, M.D.

Publisher: Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya 1990Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TT.0111] (1).

3. Organisation and management of production units of Andhra Pradesh Small Scale Industrial Development Corporation

by Ramaiah, V | Murthy, G. Krishna.

Publisher: Kakatiya University 1990Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TR.0181] (1).

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